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01-24-2005, 01:57 PM
I was contemplating the idea of selling reloaded ammunition. I know that there has to be a liability factor involved. An old man that lives in my hometown has sold reloads for years and years. He is disabled and it is his main source of income. On his boxes he has stamped "Not liable for accident or injury from use of this product" I know that in this day and age there has to be more to it. Should a person get liability insurance, consult an attorney etc. Any help or advice would be appreciated. The demand for premium reloaded ammo is there but I'm concerned with the consequences that can go along with it.

Rocky Raab
01-24-2005, 05:05 PM
It may no longer be true, but at one time, you had to obtain an "Ammunition Manufacturer" license to make and sell reloaded ammo. That was a BATF thing.

As I say, I'm not sure if it's still required, but I've seldom seen a government licensing requirement that went away.

The liability issue can't be eliminated with a stamped warning. Period.

Unless you can set up an independent company that completely isolates your personal property and assets, it's just asking to have a lawsuit cost you everything you own.