View Full Version : Big Game Hunts 2005

01-25-2005, 01:11 PM
Planning on hunting africa in 2005?? I have some great hunts available, no matter what your budget. also shared options for father/son or husband/wife hunts. buffalo,elephant,lion and leopard and plainsgame hunts, if you have some specific species that you may be after, let me see if i can help plan and put together a hunt for you. you can e-mail me on biggamesaf@zol.co.zw

Andrew McLaren
01-25-2005, 11:47 PM

I'm tyring to get a decent buffalo hunting experience for a group of us in early September 2005. Some of us are not really into getting the biggest and meanest trophy, just a good hardtop will do. Some of the group have even indicated that a good cow will satisfy them.

What area do you have as concession? Camping facilities? Please give some more info, also on number of buffalo taggs available.

In good hunting,

Andrew McLaren.

Hi Ball
03-23-2005, 09:40 AM
Big Game PH!..........I too would like to get a reply concerning the questions Mr. McLaren has put forth to you. Now would it be asking to much to get more information on this Buff Hunt???

03-26-2005, 06:58 PM
If he has not answered any questions for you, please send me an email, I may have something you might be interested in.


web site: www.go-on-safari.com
email: phil@go-on-safari.com