View Full Version : 223 Varminter Remington vs Savage

Big joe
01-26-2005, 12:54 AM
I'm looking ot buy a 223 varminter. I'm probably going to choose a Rem or a Savage.. Question is... is the Remington worth several hundred dollars more in terms of accuracy, reliability and durability????
My sense at this point is that I should spend the extra money on a better scope... What do you think???

01-26-2005, 01:10 AM
...haven't been into a Savage for a while. I understand that they have upgraded their trigger. A good trigger, I feel, is a consideration, especially on a varminter. 700 has pretty good trigger, easily adjusted. And yes I agree, the better the quality of the scope, the happier you will be. Not knocking the Savage, just thought you might want to check differances in triggers.

01-26-2005, 11:10 AM

They shoot great out of the box. Yeah, the new trigger is nice. Sometimes I wish I still had my .22-250 :(

01-26-2005, 07:03 PM
Get the Savage. The new trigger they have is kinda the cat's meow. It works really well. And then when ya save the money get a good scope. It's not a bad trade off for sure.:D

Skinny Shooter
01-27-2005, 08:32 AM
Both are good but before you buy either, see which rifle fits you. Is the wrist blocky or comfortable, etc. Then go from there. The Remmy trigger can be adjusted down safely to 2'ish pounds by a smith.
Have you looked at the Winchester Coyote?