View Full Version : DAL Outfitter DVD now Available!

01-26-2005, 11:20 AM
I'm finished editing DAL's promotional DVD

DAL Outfitters 2004 produced and copyright by yours truely

which consists of:

1. 14.5 minute interview with myself, Dave and DJ. Voice Overs using a lot of the footage I took while hunting with DAL. Staring Ol_spark, Dave, DJ, Cleve, Leo, Ian, Harold, and of course me

2. Extra's "Hunting with Huntchat" - 3 minute slideshow of still pictures we took put to music. 3 minute interview with guide Cleve and myself after I shot my bull.

Anyone interested in possibly booking a hunt with DAL next year needs to see this. Just shoot me off an email.

P.S. it costs me $3.85 to send priority anywhere in the lower US. $4.00 to England and other countries regular mail. Not that I'm a cheapo or anything but if I get over 100 people wanting a DVD that's $400 for me to ship a free DVD to ya, so I guess that's why I'd request only serious inquires unless you want to pay for your own shipping?

I'll be distributing these at several sport shows in the upcoming months also

01-26-2005, 11:23 PM
Confused about your last sentence. :confused:

How do I get the 4 bucks to ya, if that's what it is?

01-27-2005, 09:31 AM
Sent ya an email Roy!

I guess I ment that if people want to "offer" to pay shipping, that's great since it's me sending the DVD and not DAL.

01-29-2005, 10:51 PM
Hi All,

Well Petey as good as his word sent me one on out and it arrived Saturday morning, I watched it twice and have spoken to DAL and they are finding out about the Hunter Ed Card for me. I also sent an e-mail to DOW asking about it.

Cheers Petey:D