View Full Version : Magnification for Western Coyote Hunting???

Big joe
01-28-2005, 11:21 AM
I have a 243 that I need to scope for coyote hunting in Utah. I'd like some input on what would be appropriate magnification and if it's worth going to a 50 MM objective. Also... If you have any brand/model suggestions... I'm all ears...


01-28-2005, 07:54 PM
I am a firm believer in the 3 x 9 Leupolds. If your going to call or jump shoot them carry the scope on 3x. You will need all of the field of view you can get to pick up a close or running coyote. If they hang up out there farther you can set the scope for higher power, but if their close you won`t have time to set it down. With 9x you will have a good point of aim at distances farther than a .243 will shoot flat. As far as I`m conserned the 50 mm lens just adds size and weight to the rifle. Ihave one 3 x 9 with the 50mm lens and would like to trade it for another with a 40 mm lens. I have over 30 Leupold scopes, most 3 x 9`s as they are the most versital.

01-31-2005, 10:11 AM
I'd go with a 2x7 or 3x9 with a drop compensating reticle. 40mm is plenty (or 32mm with the 2x7).

You want a nice, light scope, mounted in such a way that it makes the rifle point naturally. You'll be carrying the gun quit a bit, and there will be snap shooting on occasion. Remember, lots of the experience guys use shotguns! FWIW, Dutch.

01-31-2005, 07:48 PM
Granted i live in oklahoma, but we can and do get soem longer shots here on coyotes.

My .243 has a 3.5x10 44mm scope, would have to dig it out right now to see make and model of scope though.

When i get a chance i'll check it and let you know.
I like the FOV on it, and it's not appreciably heavier than the 3x9 on my .22mag

01-31-2005, 11:59 PM
depends on your style of hunting.

ive made dues with scopes rangeing in the 3-9 to 4-16, range and am currrently useing a 4.5-14x40 leo vx III. this in my opion is the all around best power range for my style of varmit and deer hunting.

the scope is crystal clear and is the best scope ive ever came across.

im by no means putting down the 3-9 scopes. i actualy have two. one sits on my 270win and the other is on my 270wsm. both of these are leupold vxIIs with the 40mm objective. these are both lighter weight rifles. both scopes are very clear and rugged. still holding zero after more than one spill from horse back and my own feet.

i guess what im saying is the 3-9 will work for every situation.

but depending on your taste a varible in the 4.5-14 - 6-18 power range may suit your tastes better
