View Full Version : carry condition of 92FS?

01-28-2005, 08:48 PM
I'll keep it short and quick . . .

Do you carry the 92FS safety on, safety off, or safety off and half cock . . . ? I know it may be stupid but I feel strange 'totin' the Beretta if I'm doing in wrong. Thanks in advance.

01-28-2005, 10:27 PM
I don't carry a 92FS at all, but I do carry a Double Action Semi-Auto with a slide safety (Baby Eagle). When I carry it, the safety is always on. After only a little practice I figure that I can deactivate the safety quite easilly WHILE drawing, so I figure why not go the one extra step. However, I wouldn't feel at all unsafe carrying safety off, people do it with revolvers all the time and it's basically the same thing as far as the first shot goes. I wouldn't suggest half-cock, though. Just not any real reason to do it, and it might end up ugly if for some reason the trigger just decides to fall (hey, freak stuff does even happen to very nice equipment).

01-29-2005, 07:48 AM
I don't carry concealed, but if I did I don't think I would have any problems carry a double action first shot handgun with the safety off if the hammer isn't cocked at all. I definitely wouldn't carry it with the hammer cocked and the safety off.

Maybe some of the LEO guys out there can answer this a little better than me.

04-04-2005, 02:47 PM
Safety off, hammer down.

04-14-2005, 04:39 PM
as long as the weapon of choice has a transfer bar feature, safety off is fine, as the trigger would have to be pulled in order for the transfer bar to allow the hammer to hit the firing pin and set the gun off.