View Full Version : turkey set up

01-29-2005, 10:03 AM
I want to try to kill a turkey with my bow this spring and need some advice on a good set up. I basically want to get a good arrow/broad head combo that want pass completely through the bird. I don't have the luxury of being able to track a wounded turkey where i hunt due to the thick underbrush, so I want something with good knock down power and something to keep him from flying off. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.:D

01-31-2005, 03:37 AM
NAP make spitfires specifically for hunting turkeys. They have a tip that is rounded, not pointed, to limit penetration. Another thing to consider is shot placement. If the bird is broadside, shoot for the base of the wing. A shot there will hit the spine as well, and the bird should not go anywhere after being hit there. JMHO


01-31-2005, 06:50 AM
Shot placement is definately the key. I haven't been able to keep an arrow in a turkey yet. Although I haven't used the forementioned spitfires. The farthest I've had a turkey go was about 10 yds. Personally I like to shoot them going away from me. (in the back) just hit them in the middle of the back and they don't go anywhere.

01-31-2005, 12:44 PM
Thanks, I'll look into the spitfires and make sure about the placement.

01-31-2005, 04:27 PM
I've never tried one, but you should check out the "gobbler quillitene" (spelling?).
There is a website for the company that makes them and they have some videos of the broadhead in action.