View Full Version : Sold some fur finally.

01-31-2005, 05:09 PM
Coons- green
2@ $10
1@ $8
1@ $5
1@ $3

Muskrats green - (some where freezer burned :mad:)
21@ $1.75
7@ $1.00 Freezer burned ones
4@ $.50 Same as above ^

Muskrats-dryed and put up.
30@ $2.25
7@ $1.25
2@ $.50

Total of $160.50

All in all, I'm happy. This money is already spent, going towards some Shoie Helmets;)

02-01-2005, 02:35 PM
So tell me about freezer burnt rats.
Thats one they never pulled on me.

02-01-2005, 04:23 PM
Well I had these rats in the freezer since last year. It was in a shopping plastic bag (the ones with the handles from like walmarts or any shopping store) and the rats were exposed partly. I should of used a regualr garbage bag to freeze them in. The ones in the bottom and middle were alright, but the ones on the top size had the whole back end dryed.

I sorted the rats and see the ones freezer burned, I was going to leave them behinde but the last minute I said the heck with it. The fur buyer will deciede on what he wants to do with them. I'm happy he still bought them. He seems like a really good guy. He showed me how to get a couple more inches out of my coons and rats.

03-01-2005, 10:26 PM
At the (late) Missouri Auction

Coons @ $3.00 - $9.00
Possums @ $1.00 - 2.75 :D
Squirrel tails @ $0.15
Squirrels @ $0.75
Deerskin @ $3.00

03-02-2005, 06:34 AM
Contact Mepps fishing lures for the squirrel tails. Last time I recall they were buying them for $1 a piece. I believe the bone had to be removed. Not sure if they changed it or if they're still buyin em :confused:

03-02-2005, 06:16 PM
Last time I traped was around 1977 or 78. I guess the market has really dropped. I remember getting $7 - $8 a muskrat stretched and dried. And I took a unskinned coon, and got $25. My buddy was getting $50 for stretched Red Fox. I can remember another buddy that actually bought his first car (used) off his trap line money.

Darn, now I feel old:mad:

03-04-2005, 10:14 AM
yes the prices realy suck compared to what things were. Imports had a big hand in this as with many other things.

03-05-2005, 06:28 PM
The prices will never be the same, just gotta deal with it. It's pretty $hitty, but I do it cuz I enjoy the sport.

03-13-2005, 07:45 AM
my rats moved fairly good

03-13-2005, 06:32 PM
Lookin good there MPB, Let me be the 1st to Welcome you to Huntchat ;)

Next season should be better, I'm getting some more permission to trap on friends propertys.

03-16-2005, 10:35 PM
Do you have to leave the, front leg fur on the foxes and coyotes? Or just the back legs? And how would you leave the claws on? After you skin the paw cut it off at the toes, maybe?

I know on bobcats its good to leave as much fur as possible. How come you don't leave the front leg fur on raccoons? I always figured it was wasted fur.
What kind of fleshing knives do you guys recomend? I have to let my friend flesh all my stuff for me because I don't have a knife.The one I was looking at was a Necker #600 it had rubber handles and was 12 1/2 inches long, it was about $57.00. Is that a good price?

03-17-2005, 10:20 AM
I watched a skinning demo at one of the national trapper conventions here in Iowa one time.

I also go to the state conventions when they are close .

The demonstrator just took an hatchet and cut the front legs off about 3" below the carcass on coons and coyotes. Then he didn't have to fool with the forelegs at all.

Those guys are amazing how fast they can skin a critter. I really learn something new each time I sit through one of those. Sometimes its hard though because everyone has their own methods and aren't shy about telling the guy next to them about it when the demonstrator is talking:D

I just use a cheap fleshing knife I bought at one convention. Don't even know if it has a brand name. Foe me, its kinda hard to justify spending much money on something that I won't see any money back on. If its so good that it saves lots of time someone will copy it and sell it cheaper anyway.

03-19-2005, 06:07 PM
$57.00 is a good price on a necker.I charge $58.95.
There is no comparison whatsoever between the cheap fleshing knife and a necker.If you got time to burn and lots of patience,or if you have little fur to put up--go the cheap route.
As far as someone knocking off the necker and selling it cheaper--it aint happened yet,and with the way steel prices are rising--expect more price increases .
Tom Olson