View Full Version : Michael Moore

Andy L
02-01-2005, 08:52 AM
I dont know why I subject myself to torture. I guess curiosity gets the best of me. I just have to see it. Not just Mr Moores stuff, but alot of things in life. Guess its kinda like the famous saying from the Godfather. "Keep your freinds close and enemies closer."

I watched Ferenheit 9/11. My wife said I was nuts and wouldnt watch it. This was back when he still claimed it to be a valid documentary. It was bogus, of course. Anyone that ever believed any of that crap about President Bush needs some serious help. (Probably believe we didnt go to the moon and Clinton didnt inhale as well. :rolleyes: )

Well, I couldnt sleep the other night and I saw this "Bowling for Columbine", listed as one of the late night movies on HBO. I had never heard of it. (guess im sheltered) I was surprised to see it was another Moore film. Now, this one made me madder than the 9/11. This guy is a kook. I wanted to jump in the TV and grab his throat more than once and cant believe he didnt receieve a good a$$ whuppin from Charlton Hestons body gaurds, or Charlton himself.

Does anyone know if its true that he and the two boys from Columbine actually got K-Mart to quit selling handgun ammo? If so, I wont buy anything else there. Never did much, we dont have one real close, but wont again, if its true. He is a card carrying memeber of the NRA. I really dont want to be associated with him in any way. I assume others feel the same way. I wish he could be booted.

I guess its people like me that watch this stuff that fund him. But, I cant help my curiosity. HBO is suspect from my standpoint too. I have noticed alot of left wing stuff, especially during the election, and movies like this. Im thinking they may be leaving my cable package soon. (Dang, Im gonna miss the Sopranos though.)

Guess Im done griping, for now.


02-01-2005, 09:35 AM
I myself would wach it, but never spend a penny for his support.

I myself think the guy is dancing on the line of Treason. It sickens me that alot of people still think it's a creditable documentary. If Bush is so bad, why did millions of people vote the other day?

I never cared for kmart, Walyworld is way better. Most HBO shows are Liberal anyhow, although the others are some of my favorites.

02-01-2005, 09:55 AM
Well probably is a card carrying communist. He cares nothing for the truth and lies when the truth will do. In my opinion of course(gotta cover my butt). I don't watch very much TV but do watch some movies(Last of the Mohicans ..Dances with Wolves etc) and the History Channel some... Saw myself on there one time...It was a documentary on get this...Suicide missions. Damn...If I had known that I wouldn't of done it! Anyway..In my opinion he is a low life.

02-01-2005, 12:07 PM
I hate to burst your bubble but "The Last of the Mohicans" isnt that factual.
There are many Mowhawk's today. James Cooper (who wrote Last of the Mohicans) and Mark Twain had a riverlry between the two of them for worlds biggist B.S. Artist award. Twain even wrote propaganda called "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses"

Some people hang onto the notion that we heve Mohicans in our roots. I tell them to give me proof so I can put down Native American insted of White when I apply for a loan;) .

I am a huge fan of Cooper no mater what the facts are. If ya like "Last of the Mohicans" you gota see "Black Robe"

Cal Sibley
02-01-2005, 12:08 PM
What irks me most is that in some countries Michael Moore would be in jail for the crap he spouts out. In a way his mutterings are good. Now that he's been exposed he's really become a liability to the liberal cause. If only he could drag Hillary, Boxer, Kennedy and some of the others down with him. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

02-01-2005, 01:00 PM
The crap from Hollywood is really killing me.

Last night, the fiance and I were watching Anchorman and the weatherman was supposedly retarded. The show was set in the 70's, and at the end of the show they were stating where people were today. Well, for the retarded weatherman, he was Bush's top campaign aid. That really pissed me off. I wanted to through a brick through the TV, but the only thing I had around was a stapler, three hole punch, and a hammer. Good thing there weren't any bricks because I couldn't afford a new TV.

I will never watch Bowling for Columbine or Fahrenheit 911, whether I have to pay for it or not. I have better things to do with my time (e.g., sleep).


Are you saying that Moore is a card carrying member of the NRA? If so, he is worse than you. I am fine with him continuing to contribute to the NRA and then call NRA members a bunch of wackos. At least we know there is one wacko member of the NRA and that is Moore.

As far as handgun ammo at K-Mart being taken off the shelves, K-Mart alleges that it was taken off the shelves because they were not selling enough of it and therefore they weren't making enough profit off of that shelf space. Personally, I don't buy anything from K-Mart, but I am crying right now because K-Mart bought Sears. I love Craftsman tools and have actually bought shirts and ties from Sears before. It really burns me up that K-Mart could declare bankruptcy and then buy Sears when it came out of bankruptcy. Oh well.

The K-Mart by the clays range that my brothers and sisters used to buy shotgun shells from is closed now, but the selection of ammo there was pathetic. Granted, the selection by me at Wal-Mart isn't too good either because this is a suburban area, but I have been to some Wal-Marts out in the country and they have some great selections of guns, ammo, and hunting supplies in the store. Plus, Wal-Mart's on-line catalog is pretty good as far as firearms selections is concerned.

Andy L
02-01-2005, 01:25 PM
Yep, Moore is a card carrying, life member of the NRA.

02-01-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Andy L
Yep, Moore is a card carrying, life member of the NRA.

If that is true, why in hell haven't they kicked him out? :mad:

I'm not a violent person for the most part, but I'd dearly love to catch Moore in a dark alley without his bodyguards. I'd introduce him to my good friend Louie, like in Louisveille Slugger. Oh wait a minjute, they arrested his bodyguard for carrying a gin in NYC. Guess it's OK for the elite hoi poloi to have guns, but us filthy unwashed must be deprived to the right. GRRR!

If you think Hollyweird has only recently become anti-gun, think again.:mad: In the early 1930s, there were movies like Public Enemy #1, and others that glorified the Al Capone types that used the Tommy Gun and sawed off shot gun. Jimmy Cagney, Eddie G. Robinson, George Raft and others did their part to help ramrod the National Firearms Act of 1934 into being. (NFA34) :mad: :mad: :mad:

Micheal Moore is just another Hollyweird elite that feels they are way more intelligent than we peons. Just because they get paid ridiculous salaries for what little talent they hane, and today, most have no talent, they figure they know all the solutions to man's ills, like voting for Kerry, or Hillary, should she run. (Too bad there's no barf smiley.)

Ok Rant mose is off.
Paul B.

02-01-2005, 07:14 PM
Michael Moore is simply a know nothing idiot who couldn't survive with out the leftist support. He is from Flint, Michigan. I'll grant you the town has become the armpit of the state, but it is the birthplace of General Motors. His original claim to fame was a documentary:rolleyes: about GM (can't even remember the name of it now) and how they are tearing apart Flint, and the counrty next.
I'll grant you GM is abandoning Flint, but it's a two way street folks. Flint is an eyesore, they have continued to elect crooked politicians year after year, who suck the city dry while they live high off the hog. The current mayor is a convicted felon, who owns an auto dealership in his wife's name. Last I heard, he has left most business that had done business with the city high and dry on bill payment, saying it was done before he took over, so he doesn't owe the money. This is the ilk that are the Michael Moore's of this world. The sad thing is, all the people who complain that they don't get enough back from the local government are the same who vote in and/or support these idiots.
As for me, I'll never knowingly give a single penny to help any of these types, and jsut pray that the rest of country continues to have their eyes opened up to them.

02-01-2005, 08:50 PM
I can respect believin in somethin...
I can respect usin yer voice and voicin yer opinion...
I can respect a point of view bein different than my own...
I dont respect excessive gooberism from a chubby lil man whose mouth is bigger than any woman I know...
oh..and he's butt ugly too, that dont help my opinion of him none.

He needs to use his brain fer somethin other than a place to hang his teeth...like Bingo er somthin...:p

02-01-2005, 10:22 PM
"excessive gooberism" - I like that, a lot. Definitely the right word.

Here's what I think (and apparently someone else does, too):

02-02-2005, 01:27 AM
I forgot exactly where i saw the article/interview, but michael moore actually admitted during a live interview, that he edited video and voice clips in "bowling" to show what he _wanted_ peopel to say, even though in at least 2 instances, what he showed was _exactly_ oppsite of what was really said.

he called it "editorial license".

he's just another example of an air-thief, cause he isn't worth the air it takes to keep him alive.

02-02-2005, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by Andy L
Yep, Moore is a card carrying, life member of the NRA.

I was thinking he got the life member thing just for the Bowling for Columbine crap, but was thrown out exactly for that. I could be wrong, but I shouldn't be.

02-02-2005, 07:43 AM
One of my first cousins and I got into a rather heated debate over Farenheit 9/11. He tried and tried to get me to watch it. I ended up just telling him I had better things to do with my time. About a month after that, I saw a movie on shelves called FarenHype 9/11. Apparently, this was made to refute all of the crap that Moore put into the original. I think I'll buy it, and send it to my cousin. It would be interesting to hear what he says after watching that.;)


02-02-2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by gumpokc
he called it "editorial license". I though Dan Rather coined that phrase?:D