View Full Version : Who's shootin' a Beretta Pintail?

02-08-2005, 11:38 PM
Toying with the idea of buying one at auction. If you have one, what can you tell me about it?

02-09-2005, 01:18 PM
Too late! I bought it anyway! :D One of those auctions that was timed just right for me and I low-balled a bid and got it. $444 ain't bad for a new in the box shotgun that was selling for a grand not so long ago! ;)

02-11-2005, 02:34 PM

Thanks for letting me know of this site, I have gotten some recipe ideas and I like the trophy photos.

Oh, and I have know idea of the shotgun you are asking about.


02-11-2005, 05:18 PM
Howz it goin' A-B? Glad you made onboard! Yeah, we're good for "some" info around here! ;)

02-11-2005, 11:40 PM
I was wondering what the Pintail was and couldn't figure it out to save my life. You know that bugged the hell out of me, so I did a search. Saw that you posted the same question on another site too.

Well, it finally dawned on me that the Pintail and the ES100 are one and the same. If you had said ES100, I would have know what you are talking about. That is one of Beretta's inertia operated autos, and I don't know if they are making it anymore. I was thinking about buying a new one a couple of years ago in the slug variety to use as my dedicated slug gun and then I just decided to buy an ER Shaw barrel for the Benelli. I have never shot a Pintail/ES100, but you know my take on Beretta. What are you going to do with the Pintail since you already have a 390? Then again, that is probably a stupid question. I guess you bought it for the same reason I have a 3901, three 391's, and a Benelli SBE?

By the way, $444 is pretty good. I think the best price I ever saw on the slug gun was somewhere around $700, maybe $650, but I am a pretty tough shopper.

02-12-2005, 12:02 AM
It is a now discontinued Beretta model. It's essentially a 3" SBE or an older style M1 Super 90.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy with $444 for a brand new, in the box, high quality shotgun. Specially when it was not to long ago it was selling for a grand!

As for why? Why not! ;) I didn't shoot all thet well this season with my 390 so I'm just gonna try something new and different.

02-12-2005, 08:32 AM
Don't say I didn't warn you, but the Beretta 390 is now jealous of the two beautiful Citoris. :D :D