View Full Version : Casting conicals?

02-10-2005, 08:29 AM
I just got about 20 lbs of lead from a telephone job we were doing and I want to try and cast my own conicals,BUT I was told that the lead is to soft.Is this true?

02-10-2005, 09:27 AM
Nope, not true.
For muzzleloader projectiles, you want the softest lead you can get. Pure lead is ideal.
I suspect what you have is lead used for cable sheathing, which I believe is pure lead or very close to it.
The reason you need soft lead for muzzleloader projectiles?
Remember, when you are loading your conical, you have to push it down the barrel. Often, the projectile is engraved by the rifling to some degree while it's being loaded, using only your muscle power as you push in down the barrel with your ramrod.

02-10-2005, 01:05 PM
Hi Deerman ... :)

A friend and I bought 1000 pounds of cable sheathing, of which I have about 200 pounds left. This stuff is dirty (ours was anyway) but once skimmed off casts just beautiful bullets. I would try to score as much of this as you can.

Aloha... :cool:

Adam Helmer
02-11-2005, 06:52 PM

Jack and rattus gave you all the advice you really need, thanks guys. What caliber conicals are you casting and what is your procedure? I cast .45, .50, .54 and .58 conicals on my Coleman stove in the backyard. I prefer the iron moulds like Lyman's better than those aluminum moulds. When you cast, be safe and use eye protection, long sleeves and gloves.


02-12-2005, 04:11 AM
Thanks guys for all the help.Adam I have not even bought my mold, yet.When I got the lead that was when I deciced to try it.When I get ready to start I'm sure I'll have more questions.I was planning on getting a Lyman mold, that was the one I looked at and it will be in 50 cal.

02-12-2005, 09:18 AM
Lead for ML use can never be TOO SOFT! I have even used pure, dead-soft lead bullets in the .45/70 at velocities up to 1350 FPS in both BP and smokeless loads with good accuracy and no leading!:cool:

02-12-2005, 02:48 PM
I cheat a bit!

I add about point 6 percent by weight of tin to the most nearly pure lead I can find. This doesn't have much effect on the hardness of the lead, but it does make casting perfectly filled out bullets easier, particularly those late nineteenth century style conicals that have lots of small, square grooves.


02-12-2005, 07:00 PM
I think some of this stuff has some tin in it.I can't wait to see how it works.