View Full Version : any e-rangers

Ridge Runner
02-11-2005, 10:19 AM
shoot a 7 RUM AI, can't find much info on it, I'm gonna have Kirby Allen build me a rifle on a 7oo action and for our 110 pound whitetails anything bigger is overkill I think.
any info on the choice of caliber? I think a 162 gr. A-Max (with a BC of .625) at 3550 to 3600 fps would be awesome!

02-11-2005, 12:07 PM
You might have some problems with the Amax at those speeds. From what I understand, 3450 is about as fast as you can run them without blowing them up. The jacket is pretty thin so they can't withstand the high velocity. It you want to run the amax in particular, there's no point in improving the std RUM case because you can get that velocity easily. Where the improved cases really shine is when you're using the heavy for caliber bullets. If you look at some 180g bullets you might gain something but those custom bullets are a lot of money per shot. I know Kirby is working on some custom bullets of his own so that may work for you also. The 168g SMK's will blow a giant hole in a deer and the jacket is a little thicker. The only downfall is the bc isn't as good as it should be for the bullet weight. You might want to try the sst or interbonds from Hornady. The bc's are good and the jackets are thicker than the amax. Either way you go, 3450 with a 162g amax is like shooting a 220swift with 45g bullets to 500yds. Keep the amax off of the front end if you want to eat it:D

02-12-2005, 12:42 PM
I agree with bigbrother. Keep those amaxs off of the front end. Also I'd just ask Kirby, tell him what you want to do, and take his advice.

I still have visions of what a 130gr sierra @3200 MV does to mulies at less than 150 yds if a rib is hit, let alone a should/leg bone. Whole front half went to the hounds.

I'm supposed to be getting some of those Wildcat bullets, 169.5gr in .277 to see if they will shoot in a 1-10" 270 Win. Probably won't stabilize them but it'll be fun finding out.

bigbrother, see, I'm snooping around. One of these days we're gonna reach out and touch....... Just put the Supersniper on the 270, the Alaskan guide is on the shelf till the 6.5 bbl gets on the Mod 721.

Then I gotta buy a new scope for the "new" rifle. Thinking of a Weaver Tactical with the reticle in the "other" focal plane so that the mil dot works at all powers. Then I'll move the SS to the new gun and move the weaver to the 270 then the Alaskan guide to the 222 or maybe I could leave the SS on the 270, steal my son's ziess for the 222 then move, hell..... where was I?........:D

Anyway gonna chase a yote this evening. :) New snow.

Ridge Runner
02-12-2005, 01:24 PM
not really set on an amax, just a high bc bullet driven as fast as they'll go straight, don't wanna blow them totaly up, the ballistic tips work great out of my STW to 500 yds though, the sst has a BC of 550 so it might do.

02-14-2005, 12:31 AM

how are you liking the super sniper.

02-14-2005, 03:59 PM
Look into JLK bullets and Cauterucios. I'm not sure if JLK makes .284's or not but they have great b.c.'s in other calibers. A lot of guys shooting the 7's are shooting Cauterucios. They make 180s with super b.c.'s. Although, if you're not looking to shoot further tha 500yds, I'd stick with with SST's (they're a lot less expensive)

02-14-2005, 04:53 PM
super sniper seems super fine.

No complaints

Seems brighter at dusk and dawn than they say it should.

adds a bit of shooting time @ both ends of the day. If only I could come across something to shoot at.......:mad:

Haven't been getting out much.

02-15-2005, 09:29 AM
Your eyes are better than mine Roy. I've not noticed that kind of optical advantage but then that's why they make different brands for different folks. I'm not knockin' the product, it's just not my preference even though I use them on a regular basis. :D Does that sound odd or what? :confused: My use of the SS is restricted to good shooting light only. My eyes perfer Zeiss when it comes to low light. They are better than Leupold for me. Clicks on the SS are just as good as others or are you shooting dots and not clicking.

02-15-2005, 04:31 PM

My eyes are not a good indicator of what is better for what. Just my playing around with the different scopes, SS, Cabela's A Guide and a Ziess 3X9 the Ziess is on the bottom of list with the SS at the top. My son puts the Ziess at the top then the SS and doesn't like the cabelas at all.

Not clicking yet. Though the SS is proving best for that. Pretty soon I'll be truing up the scope. Never was good at getting them square. No patience.

BTW, got a Ruger #1 375 H&H on the way. Traded a Win 70 Featherweight for it. Now I'll have the action and the wood for what ever I want to do with it. Figure I'll keep it the way it is for when I do the elk thing in Griz country. I remember how undergunned I felt when carrying a 222 in wolf country (only if attacked). Don't want to be in the thick stuff and get surprised without a least one shot that's big enough to do the job. When I had the 270 #1 I could get off a couple of shots pretty quick

02-16-2005, 10:12 AM
Did you buy the one that smacarac had for sale on HC? I thought about that myself but only until I noticed that someone else gave him a quick reply. Sounds like it ought to make a good elk gun anyway.

Anyhow, I guess we could argue all day on scopes and calibers and what's the best. I really don't get to involved in those topics because they seem to go on and on with no conclusive results anyhow. Besides everyone has an opinion based on their experiences using whatever. Some just have more experience than others and feel their opinion is worth more. Pretty much sums up the whats best argument. ;)

Sooooo......you're thinking about going into Wyoming next year for elk or what? Not that that is only place where there is griz but just the first to come to mind. How about the Thorofare area? That would be a nice traditional horse back hunt into wilderness, what do you think?

02-16-2005, 11:46 PM
First here's the latest poop on happenings in the neighborhood

So far the snow has been minimum. First heavy snow is still here but compressed hard. The elk were chased out of "my" spot on the 15th Nov and never came back. The snow that is still on the ground brought them here. The ranchers chased them out.

They have been wintering in the same spot a couple of miles up the road and well into the reservation on a south facing slope.

About a mile to the west of that spot, not on the reservations cats (cougars) have been spotted all winter. Probably working the deer.

Up the road the other way several miles, visible from my place, there have have been a pair of wolves spotted several times this winter.

The fellow that flies me when taking aerial photos in the summer flew over the elk herd a couple of times to see if the wolves have been bothering them.

Snow too patchy to be able to tell from the air.

The old neighborhood is filling us with some pretty strange stuff.

Yep, its samarac deal. If I go for elk anywhere just a little north of here and a bit to the east, its griz country. Figure a 375 would be well for elk especially if the shot went wrong and hit a shoulder bone or spine. Though the 338 ain't no slouch. Plus its a pretty fair deal to get an #1 action with wood.

I'm just rattle brained enough to tackel a number 1 like Tommy but in 338 RUM or 338-300/375 RUM. Though it would most probably be better on my shoulder if I did a 6.5 or 7mm something. But out here where a "big" bull elk, and even "bigger" moose are available a pecker wood 6.5 don't cut it. (Tell that to bigbrother;) )

If I don't do something with the #1 I'm pretty much all set to send the REM 700 338 Win LH off and do the long bbl @least 28" with a break in front of it in 338-300 RUM.

My elk hunt next year will be one of a couple of places. First choice is just north of Stanley ID in the wilderness area. Will check it out this summer with a my huntin buddy who has taken about 20 elk out of there. The scouting would be to see what the wolves have done to the area.

Other choice is something like DAL but maybe Montana.

It would probably be best if I stuck with the currrent armament and saved the money for the hunt. But 1500 bucks that will let me shoot a gong @ 1000 ain't that bad.