View Full Version : Most accurate .22 magnum ammo
Mr. 16 gauge
02-11-2005, 02:53 PM
Just curious as to what you folks have found to be the most accurate .22 magnum ammo. I'm thinking about trying something new......rabbit sniping! The areas I hunt for bunnies are HEAVILY hunted state lands.....the rabbits become attuned to this late in the season and dart for the holes the minute they hear a car door slam. Walking them up with a shotgun is almost an impossiblity, so I was thinking about sneaking in to within 50-60 yards of their dens just before first light or right at dusk and taking them as they headed for or left thier dens. Since I am limiting myself to head and chest shots here, I am not really concerned with so much with penetration/expansion as I am with pure accuracy. Does anyone make a "match grade" .22 magnum ammo? Thanks in advance.
Rocky Raab
02-11-2005, 04:14 PM
It's a bit like asking, "What's the best-tasting vegetable?"
Only the "eater" can say. Same with your gun: only it can say what it likes best.
My Ruger Single-Six (my only 22 Maggie) loves Winchester solids or HPs. It doesn't like CCIs nearly as much.
02-11-2005, 04:56 PM
My 77/22M likes Remington /33gr V-Max
02-14-2005, 02:50 PM
Just to prove Rocky's point about trying different brands, mine likes the CCI Maxi Mag best. My Savage will consistantly hit a 3" spinner at 100 yards using 3x9 Burris. Oh ya, its a rimfire version of their Striker...a handgun, with a 10" barrel. Winchesters are a definite no go, it likes Federals next, then Remington. The 40 gr loads all shoot better than the 33 gr hyper versions.
It's my finding that the rim on WMR ammo varies in thickness quite substantially between brands, thereby affecting headspace in any one gun. The CCI's have the thickest rim and therefore work best in mine because it has a rebated bolt face. Winchesters have the thinnest rim.(IN MY GUN), they often misfire or stick when the base of the case expands from excessive headspace.That's why it's important to try different brands. What's best in one gun may not be a pet load in another.
I have not seen match 22 WMR ammo.
02-14-2005, 03:38 PM
Even though it's gonna be a more expensive endevour than a
22 lr, you're gonna have to try as many different rounds as ya can to find the one that makes yer rifles the happiest.
Montana Cowboy
02-23-2005, 03:18 PM
Also, once you find the brand your rifle likes it may be a good idea to buy a few boxes of that particular lot number as the next lot of the same brand may not shoot with the same accuracy. MC
02-24-2005, 04:23 PM
Pick up a box of 50 grain federals. My 9422M loves those and it can drive in nail with them at closer ranges.
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