View Full Version : Lilred

02-13-2005, 06:25 PM
Hey haven't seen you on here for a while, have you been getting to do any rabbit hunting with your new pups? Give us the low down.

02-14-2005, 12:03 PM
As busy as I've been, I aint had much time fer the dogs..but the younguns are doin good. I really dont like usin older dogs to train younguns..it's ok..but only to a certain extent. But I have been doin it some.

In a pack of hounds..each dog compliments the pack as a whole. Fer example..I have a "cold-nosed" dog that would find the smartest, sneakiest rabbit..even iffin he had the brain of Einstein, there aint too many rabbits that can trick that ole dog.
Then I have good "runners" as we call em, who can run as fast as their lil butts'll tote em, and never lose trail. Then we have what you call the "jumpers". They'd dig into a bed of hot coals to jump a rabbit, and they got the patience of Jobe. A smart rabbit can hole up in a big ole brush pile and never move, and iffin the dogs dont git in there and make him run..why then there aint no point to none of it. Most'll pass that holed up rabbit right on by hopin fer easier pickins, and you dont kill rabbits that way.
My point to all this, is that each dog can have a different talent, and to git the best outta that dog, you gotta find that talent and utilize em in the pack.
Point bein..runnin em with other dogs can simply frustrate em, and they might could pick up bad habits that you dont want em to.

I found the talents in these pups..just gotta be careful from here on out and not put em w/ a dog that'll take their best talents and turn em into trash. So fer, I caint complain nary a bit about these pups. They've got the gumption of Lee at Fredericksburg, and are hard workers. I'll have to take some pics soon and post em..they are some mighty good-lookin hounds.

02-14-2005, 02:14 PM
Please do, and if you get a chance take a pic of them while they are out working. I'd like to see that. Oh by the way, thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of all that. I guess that's why I don't run hounds, but it makes a lot of sense.