Mad Reloader
02-15-2005, 08:22 PM
OK, mentioned about six, seven weeks back I had been bitten by the re-enacting bug, and that's DEFINITELY the case, folks.
Now, me being me--being both different/weird/mutant
AND having a love for 19th Century arms
Have gotten into...WORLD WAR ONE re-enacting.
Oh, and to make matters MORE interesting, I'm doing Central Powers to boot!
(as I said in the American History Weekend thread, there are several folks in Arid-Zona doing AEF...but no-one representing the Other Side. I am now rectifying this deficiency...)
There is now (recognized by ACWC and We Make History re-enactment groups)
* 12th Sturmbattalion, Infanterie-Regiment 100, Imperial Austro-Hungarian Army * :D
Now, by choosing THIS unit--which was in the battles of Vittorio-Veneto in 1918, and actually performed decently in the Eastfront campaign of the Brusilov Offensive of 1916, I've given up ANY chance of the unit being recognised by the Great War Association.
(All they do is Western Front. Understandably, they wish to only do battles involving the AEF. HOWEVER: The "Ohio" division and a number of USAAC were sent to the Italian Front to help stop the final Austrian asssault on Venice--and to confuse the Central Powers high command as to how many/where were the Americans. IMHO, there's been an oversight. Plus: A lot easier finding places in AZ that look like the South Tyrol/Northern Italy than Flanders, Belgium! :rolleyes: )
So far, only one person has gotten ALMOST all their uniform together and has started on gear (That would be The Mad One himself) But I've gotten a nibble or 2 on add'l members.
Anyhoo, have resurrected the Poll thing to see where and whenever other folks are re-enacting (IMHO SASS counts as re-enacting! ;) )
The floor's open to compare notes about re-enacting....
OK, mentioned about six, seven weeks back I had been bitten by the re-enacting bug, and that's DEFINITELY the case, folks.
Now, me being me--being both different/weird/mutant
AND having a love for 19th Century arms
Have gotten into...WORLD WAR ONE re-enacting.
Oh, and to make matters MORE interesting, I'm doing Central Powers to boot!
(as I said in the American History Weekend thread, there are several folks in Arid-Zona doing AEF...but no-one representing the Other Side. I am now rectifying this deficiency...)
There is now (recognized by ACWC and We Make History re-enactment groups)
* 12th Sturmbattalion, Infanterie-Regiment 100, Imperial Austro-Hungarian Army * :D
Now, by choosing THIS unit--which was in the battles of Vittorio-Veneto in 1918, and actually performed decently in the Eastfront campaign of the Brusilov Offensive of 1916, I've given up ANY chance of the unit being recognised by the Great War Association.
(All they do is Western Front. Understandably, they wish to only do battles involving the AEF. HOWEVER: The "Ohio" division and a number of USAAC were sent to the Italian Front to help stop the final Austrian asssault on Venice--and to confuse the Central Powers high command as to how many/where were the Americans. IMHO, there's been an oversight. Plus: A lot easier finding places in AZ that look like the South Tyrol/Northern Italy than Flanders, Belgium! :rolleyes: )
So far, only one person has gotten ALMOST all their uniform together and has started on gear (That would be The Mad One himself) But I've gotten a nibble or 2 on add'l members.
Anyhoo, have resurrected the Poll thing to see where and whenever other folks are re-enacting (IMHO SASS counts as re-enacting! ;) )
The floor's open to compare notes about re-enacting....