View Full Version : PETA is hitting the schools...again

02-17-2005, 11:41 AM
....but they are doing it a different route. check this out........ :mad:

There's a reason that classroom videos have a reputation for being boring: They usually are. But once in a while, a video comes along that's actually interesting and informative at the same time. One of these enjoyable videos is called "Just Choices." Here at PETA2, we actually like it so much that we want to help you get this video into your classroom.

What's more, we'll actually hook you up with PETA2 Street Team points-which, of course, you can redeem for free stuff-just for providing your teacher's contact info. Visit http://www.peta2.com/tc/t-JustChoiceform.asp?c=963 for more information.


Chris Garnett

Street Team Coordinator
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
501 Front St.
Norfolk, VA 23510

They are hitting up the youngsters that are checking out the Peta2 site, and if they supply their teachers contact ifno, they can gain points towards free stuff, etc.......talk about lowdown..... :mad:

02-17-2005, 12:22 PM
They can kiss my @$$.
My kids know better than to participate in something like that, but i'm going to bring it to their attention and remind them anyhow.
I'd be a proud member if PETA would be the abbreviation for "People Eating Tasty Animals".

02-17-2005, 12:30 PM
And that's exactly what we must do........we as parents must take on the responsibilty of educating our own children before hand......so that they may know what to expect before they are subjected to this garbage........sadly some already have.

Peta knows that the battle is lost trying to convert adults, they know that they must reach the youngsters in order to achieve their agenda.......the battle will be won in our own homes, or else in our schools....