View Full Version : Lilred & the Englishman

02-18-2005, 08:34 PM
They done went and hired us some help on my end of the buildin at werk...real nice fella..he's from London.

I gotta train him..but I have a slight problem..he caint understand nary a dern werd I'm sayin! It's worse than when I was up north..is funnier than all git out. I talked with him a while today..and he asked me where I was from..I told him..I'm from here! lol
I told him that I talked what they call "Southern English" and I also told him not to bother tryin to teach me no different, cause it'll do ya bout as much good as tryin to make moonshine outta cowpies.
Poor feller was lost on thatun, and was askin what the moon had to do with it..and iffin them cowpies tasted like chicken pot pie.
Then I told him that my other partner in crime (my co-worker)tickled the livin daylights outta me..meanin..I git a kick out of him..er..well..ya'll know what I mean..good lordy..
anyways, he says.."I bet yer husband dont like that none..yer that ticklish?"..lol
Well, he aint have all them double negatives in there like I do

I got a loooooong way to go ya'll....lol
But he tickled me nuntheless. :D

02-19-2005, 08:52 AM
Get'im Lilred....

02-19-2005, 11:53 AM
Hi Lilred,

Now just because he came from London does not mean he is a Londoner;) London nowadays has a population that over 60% of it ain't even from the UK let alone England or London truely. I live 25 Miles outside London and speak with a slight London accent as most of the kids at school came from London. The local housing estate was built to house them when they were moved out here to work at the New Town and Airport back then, so even though I am sort of local ( born 7 miles up the road) I developed a slight London accent. My best friend was born just off the Tooting High Road! in South London.

Now can you truely understand him?

I ask because my Buddy from St Louis had some problems understanding me sometimes when I was with them back in 2003. The poor waitress at the dinner also struggled some. The accent in London varies depending where abouts from London you come from, the East End is quite harsh going on to the Cockney accent a real old Londoner could tel from which part some one came form by their accent and their usage of certain words.

Be thankfull he is not either from Liverpool or god forbid Newcastle........... Georgies are not from this planet I can assure you:rolleyes: the folks from just across the river in Tyneside cannot even uunderstand the Geordies:eek:

02-19-2005, 03:21 PM
I was in England 2 years ago and was paired with an RAF sergeant from Derbyshire, I'm not sure what he spoke was English..but then, I'm from Tennessee so I'm not sure I do either.

Cockney is interesting, not that I can understand what they're saying, but they so it so well......I think.

02-20-2005, 08:13 AM
He speaks with a very thick accent. I caint hardly understand him..he aint tell me which part of London, I'll have to ask him tomorrow.
Nice feller he is tho..and perty good at layin block I'm told.

02-20-2005, 09:16 AM
Ive got an apprentice from Ireland working with me. the young man talks real fast and with that accent and the only words I understand is when he cusses. He does that often because I call him a bloody englishman and he goes off. We were in my company van and i made a right turn and clipped a car on my blindside. We pulled to side of road and I was exchanging ins info with the other driver who was really upset as the car was his girlfriends and he had just picked it up from a body shop. Seems he had wrecked it and she made him get it fixed. I had the guy calmed down when the Irishman started cussing him and telling him in Doublin a plumbing van has right of way. Things were esculating fast, so I gave the Irishman (I call him Lucky Charms) a couple bucks and sent him to a nearby 7-11 to buy me a pen- telling him mine ran out of ink, while I calmed the other driver back down. Lucky Charms came back with the pen and got a business card out of his wallet, gave it to the other guy, and told him it was for his buddys body shop and since he obviously didnt know how to drive he shouldnt loose it. Life is never boring.