View Full Version : Talking about wolves...

02-21-2005, 01:04 PM
I read in "Bugle" magazine where Montana FWP is once again lowering the quota for the late cow hunt near Gardiner. In the future they may lower it to only around 148 tags. I forget the actual figures of what they estimated the local herd numbers were in the past, in the tens of thousans I believe, but they have finally admitted that the wolves have impacted this herd. This herd is down dramatically. In my opinion they put a greater emphasis on the hunters killing the reproducing cows during this late season and lowered the quota on them to take away the story about the wolves. It probably needs to be done but the locals have been trying to tell them this for 3 years that I'm aware of. Probably longer. Anyhow, these FWP people must be like the Pa. Game Comm., they all need to get their hearing checked because if seems like it takes them 2 or 3 years for them to hear what people are saying. Must run in the family, political family, that is. :mad:

02-21-2005, 05:13 PM
ol spark, I read the same article and the number was 19,000+ and is now down to 9000+. I call that a major decrease. But they also said it had to do with the drought, so Still won't get into the root of the problem. JMO

03-14-2005, 04:08 PM
The GD things are eatin the HE11 out of our NW Elk & Moose herds in Wyoming.
The crap about the drought is official greeney (USFS) propoganda (lies) !!!!!!!!!!!

They promised (lied) us the wolves would NEVER leave Yellowstone, One was ran down by a car on I-70 last year near Rifle CO. That's a long way from Yellowstone !!!!!
The things have been seen by ranchers near Medicine Bow and Ten Sleep WY. The Greeny dominated USFS says the ranchers were mistakin, yeh, right, sure they were.
Do ya know how you can tell a US Govt worker is lieing? Their mouth is moving.
"Government man speak with forked tongue" Crazy Horse

03-15-2005, 05:32 PM

I agree with you on that. Maybe when there are so few elk left in Yellowstone they can find something else to blame it on. I seen a wolf up above Sheridan, while out elk hunting, four years ago. Didn't happen to have my camera with me at the time, but anyway I told a group of wardens about it that I seen at Bear Lodge, and they as same as told me I was crazy. When the guy that was with me told them he seen it too, they said it couldn't be, it must have been someones dog. They know about it, they just don't want to admit it.

03-15-2005, 10:39 PM
A pair has been sighted throughout the winter about 6 miles due east of me. On the Fort Hall Reservation.

Rancher up there has claimed to have seen them off and on all winter. That puts them about 9 or 10 miles east of Blackfoot, ID.

Probably working on that elk herd that the ranchers spooked away from behind the house in November. They never did come back.