View Full Version : Chokes and loads

Gene Bramblett
02-24-2005, 05:24 PM
Some of you turkey hunters that shoot a Winchester 1300, tell me what choke tube/shell combination you have found to be best in patterning in your gun. I am looking to make my 1300 a real turkey killing machine and would appreciate your input. Thanks,

02-24-2005, 10:36 PM

Every shotgun is different. I can take two Beretta 391's with the same constriction choke tube and get different patterns out of them using the same shell. Different guns like different things for some reason. Granted, having two identical guns makes it somewhat more possible to get the same patterning out of them, but it doesn't always hold true.

I hope the guys on here can give you some good suggestions and point you in the right direction of some possible choke tubes and shotshells.

Good luck in the spring.

ringneck 1
02-25-2005, 07:54 AM
I set one up for grand son double xxwinchester shell 3inch .the choke I got at wally world about 20 dollars tru glo choke .I think I use #5 shell .It pattern very good.hope this helps you out

02-25-2005, 12:26 PM
I keep it simple. I have a 12-gauge Remington 870 Express, and use a regular full choke with 3" magnum shells, #4 shot. No special choke, no special ammo, and I've been successful with that.

03-09-2005, 06:05 PM
I got an Undertaker turkey choke at walmart last year for my Mossberg 835 and I am really happy with the way it patterns 3" #6and 3" #5. Holds a really tight pattern out to about thirty five yards and a good killing pattern out to 45(Don't know if I would shoot at that distance though)

03-10-2005, 12:52 PM
Buddy of mine shoots a 1300 and uses a .660 Hastings choke and Winchester HV 3 inch #6's. Shoots so tight he made a real mess of a bird at 30 yards couple years ago.

03-19-2005, 07:05 PM
I am with Fabs on this one. Ya gotta try load/choke/gun combos before you say whats good and bad.
That being said, I have had great luck with Hastings and Colonial chokes in my 1300's. My best is my own custom tubes.(plug,wink,plug) But you cant go wrong with the aftermarket stuff. The factory stuff is good too! They dont just throw random crap into the guns as they come off the line. They spend tons of coin on R and D for the tubes that work in their guns.

There is no substitution for range time. Invest a little on a couple of tubes(ridiculous, I know) and see what does best with the shot size you use.

I have a 1300 with a backbored barrel, lengthened forcing cone and a .655 long taper wad stopper choke with Winchester XX 3" #5 shot I can keep 100% in a 25" circle at 35 yards. The pattern density is predominantly the size of a softball With a handful of flyers. I can get it tighter with my own handloads, but not enough to make me not shoot the XX's.


05-02-2006, 09:04 PM
i go all the way i got a remington 870 express magnum with carlsons choke tube his extended one and winchester hevi shot 3in. i like his chokes the best but there also based here to and my mom works for him. but there awsome his skeet choke is sweet i shot 50 out of 50 one time with it. :cool:

05-02-2006, 11:35 PM
I use an Undertaker choke, and 3" 2 oz. #5s. Seems to have worked so far.;)
