View Full Version : csi or law n order

02-24-2005, 08:01 PM
I cant stand reality t.v. so when i watch t.v. lately one or the other seem to be on and i have found i like them both.
I was wondering if any one else watch them and witch one they like i tend to like csi a little more.

02-24-2005, 08:09 PM
If I do watch mainstream TV, both those programs are pretty good, except the CSI Miami version. It is technically hopeless. Unless the program is really trying to be funny??? They clearly do not understand electricity, firearms, ballistics....

02-24-2005, 08:48 PM
I have always likes Law and Order....I get some valuable info from that one......critics have been bashing C.S.I since its inception about the techs of the show...I'll watch occationally but not on regular basis, mainly because of the furor over that...

02-25-2005, 12:01 AM
I quit watching Law and Order years ago because of all the anti-gun comments made by members of the cast on the shows.
I hardly watch any mainstream TV anymore, as I have a lot of movies that I's rather watch.
Paul B.

Rocky Raab
02-25-2005, 06:23 PM
Haven't ever watched one, nor a "reality" show. Quit watching network news, too.

If it isn't on the History or Military channels, then I'll never see it - and won't miss it one iota.

02-25-2005, 07:20 PM

02-27-2005, 09:41 AM
I've never watched Law and Order, but my wife and I both enjoy the original CSI, but I don't care for CSI New York or Florida I think it is. I don't like the reality shows either, but I do enjoy watching American Hot Rod and American Chopper on the Discovery Channel. And I've picked up a few shop ideas from watching them. We watch the History Channel a lot also.

02-28-2005, 07:03 PM
I kind of like CSI, but I've seen some really stupid things on it.

There was an episode about a guy who got electrocuted, and the CSI gang needed to determine if his blood was conductive. Unfortunately he had been cremated, but they had a pint of his blood (for some reason) that they could test. To test the blood for conductivity, Grissom inserted wires into the pint bag to form a circuit in series with a regular light bulb and plugged the circuit into the wall! The light bulb lit up, Grissom smiled, and I shook my head in disbelief.

In case it isn't obvious, you measure conductivity/resistance with an ohm-meter. God only knows what would happen if you ran 120 Volt AC current through a pint of blood, but I bet it wouldn't be pretty. Also, you wouldn't contaminate the entire pint when only a few ml would be needed for the test. Finally, blood is always a pretty good conductor to begin with.

Since that episode, my interest in the show has waned.

03-01-2005, 08:43 AM
I used to watch Law and Order, religiously, but, like PJ, I got tired of the anti-gun comments. In spite of that, I would still watch the very first part of the show that establishes the scenario before the opening credits, just to listen to Jerry Orbach's one-liner! But no that Jery Orbach is gone, I don't watch it anymore at all. (Apologies to Dennis Farina fans, but he just don't cut it!)

Don't watch anything else but "The Appprentice", "West Wing", "24", "The Simpsons", and "Seinfeld" reruns. My wife watches "Medical Investigation", however, because she's a medical professional, and really gets into that stuff.

03-01-2005, 09:08 AM
I watch both, I prefere the original series on both. (Law and order has about 4 spinoffs and CSI has two)

The antigun shtick does make me want to puke, but it is still better than "reality" TV.

No wonder I watch more movies than anything else.


03-01-2005, 09:49 AM

That's an episode that just cracked me up, and the reason that I said they don't understand electricity. Blood has plenty of ions in it to make it conductive. If it were not conductive, that would be news. Light bulb as resistance tester? Stupid, just as you called it.

In another episode, a victim is shot with a .22. The lab notices that the bullet is slightly oval, instead of round. The red headed guy quickly deduces that it was fired from a sawed-off .22, and the oval shape is because the barrel was clamped in a vise to do the cutting. Wonder how tight you'd have to crank the vise to do that? Somebody never took a look at the thickness of a .22 barrel, and doesn't know about the role of the crown.

In yet another episode, a reloader has recovered her bullets at the range, and saved them for reloading (wow). She keeps them in a container on the window sill. Along comes a hurricane, which accelerates the bullets to killing speed, and kills the reloader with her own bullets.

Yeah, the technical advise is just a trifle lacking....

Andy L
03-01-2005, 11:05 AM
CSI- Las Vegas

03-01-2005, 06:46 PM
I dont have cable..aint home enuf to even let it pay fer itself lol..
I;ve seen both them shows, and they're alright iffin there aint nuthin else on I wanna see. That one feller on (I think) it's CSI...that dude is ridin on the same square wheels like the fools he gits in the end lol
He's all twitchy and stuff..hes a good actor..cause I'm sittin there thinkin he's half nuts himself.
Awww...I wish Sanford, the Dukes and George Jefferson was still on tv tho.

03-01-2005, 06:55 PM

Did you see they are coming out with a new 'Dukes" movie? I forgot who all the other actors are going to be, but I heard Jessica Simpson was suppose to be playing Daisy.

03-02-2005, 05:08 AM
No I aint hear nuthin bout it..but I'll bet they'll spend a whole lot more money on Chargers to wreck than they did back then..lol
Here's a lil werthless trivia fer ya..did ya'll know that the General Lee still holds the record for longest jump? In the later shows, you see it in the intro makin that jump crost the river, but the main jump is in the Double Sting episode.
Here's a pic of me and cooter a few yrs back..no my hair aint that short..it was in a braid..lol..good lord..dont you hate it when you look at pics of yerself from a while back and think..oh dear lord what a dork i am..lmao..them glasses I got on is as big as my face! :rolleyes:

03-02-2005, 10:16 AM
Is that the cooter out of the original show? Man, I don't hardly recognize him? What does he do now?
As far as the General Lee. I knew about the record, but what a waste of a great car. I always wanted one of them, but never got around to getting one.

03-02-2005, 12:03 PM
Yep that's him, nowadays he runs a Dukes museum of sorts. He keeps the show alive so to speak. They have a big git together every yr at Bristol Motor Speedway, now that's FUN. The original stunt guys jump cars, listen to some good bluegrass, and meet some of the cast. I've met most of em..cept for Uncle Jesse and Boss Hogg..they've been gone from this ole werld fer a while.
And, just fer you fellas, Daisy is a sweet gal and very down to earth. I met her a while back at Cooter's.

Cooter actually ran fer..I think..the Senate??? here in VA. He lost tho..he's got a place in Sperryville and a big musuem in Gatlinburg, TN.