View Full Version : Lewis & Clark Model 1792

Gil Martin
02-25-2005, 06:17 PM
The April 2005 issue of "Guns & Ammo" arrived today and on page 40 there is an article on a reproduction .49 caliber flintlock rifle. The suggested hang tag price is $2,950.00. Who can afford such a rifle? When I wanted a Lewis & Clark clone rifle I bought a used .54 Lyman Great Plains Rifle for $200. That price is more to my liking. All the best...

Adam Helmer
02-26-2005, 12:34 PM

That is a big price for a muzzleloader. I have read the Journals of Lewis & Clark several times and there is not much discussion about what arms were actually employed on their trek. Lewis did go to Harpers Ferry, but I have not read the actual description of the arms obtained there. Lewis alludes to smoothbores and two blunderbusses along on the trek. When he was shot accidently on the way home by , Lewis says he knew a member of the Corps shot him by the sound of Cruzatte's gun and projectile wound to his buttocks. Under "List of Supplies" for the trip, Lewis lists, "15 Rifles" along with moulds, 200 pounds of powder, 400 pounds of lead etc. Make do with wot arm you prefer.
