View Full Version : Hello
02-27-2005, 10:08 AM
Just a hello from a fellow hunter. I'm new here and so far like what I've read. I am a very long time bowhunter and almost exclusively so nowadays. I shoot a Bowtech bow now after shooting Martin bows for many years. I killed my first deer with a bow in the late 70's and have averaged around 8 per year since. We have very liberal seasons and limits here in Fl.
I look forward to meeting you all and will get on here as often as work will allow.
Take care
02-27-2005, 10:10 AM
Hey Gator.....8 per year? Awesome. Looks like you will be the guy I ask about tracking deer if I have problems since you have shot so many...:)
02-27-2005, 10:42 AM
Thanks Vashadow.
I have definitely had some tracking more than I wanted...
My buddies and I kill a lot and I have a mini-Dachshund trained to trail with. She is EXTREMELY good though not as good as her father was. He was known in 3 states and found over a hundred deer in just a few years.
I read a post here about someone losing a deer, and we all have or we are lying or not really hunting, and wanted to say that I have seen many deer come in for processing with me that have old injuries that they survived. Some with only one lung and others that have had broadheads imbedded in their FAR side shoulder that seemed to be perfect shots (No way to have gotten in that spot without having gone completely through the chest!!). They were healed up and doing just fine. So who knows really what happens to those "Wounding losses"....?
Take care
02-27-2005, 11:06 AM
Welcome to Hunt Chat Tony!
Sounds like you have tons of experience, so be ready to be tapped on it
Always great to hear a new member come in, and their thoughts about the board. I'm sure it makes Petey proud, I know it does this moderator.;)
02-27-2005, 06:09 PM
Welcome gator. Don't be affraid to jump in the conversations - it gets a little slow this time of year.
02-27-2005, 09:41 PM
Thanks guys and believe me I love talking outdoors.....I certainly do not mind sharing what I do know and don't mind telling you when I don't.
I look forward to gleaning great info from this site as well. We can all learn if we'll just pay attention.......
Take care
By the way, my last name is Hunter so I guess I was "cursed" right from the also make my living hunting alligators for the state of Florida. 30 years worth..........
03-01-2005, 10:05 AM
You need to get to know Valligator! She loves to hunt gators. Welcome to HC!
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