View Full Version : gunsmith

gordon baxter
02-27-2005, 10:40 AM
Any members from around the edmonton,Ab area know of any good gun smiths .I want to get some work done to my old Rem 78 sportsman

02-27-2005, 12:00 PM
Give Ghostsstalker a PM I think he is in Edmonton

02-27-2005, 01:21 PM
Try a pm to harv3589 as well.. I know he was researching gunsmiths in AB..

I don't know of any around Edmonton myself.. you may want to call P&D enterprises as well.. they probably know of some.

Cal Sibley
02-28-2005, 12:55 PM
Probably the best smith in Canada is next door to you. He's Ted Gaillard in Pathlow, Sask. He does a lot of benchrest work and is known to produce excellent accuracy barrels as well. You can check him out at: www.shootingpaul.netfirms.com or you can call him at 306-752 3769. His address is:
Ted Gaillard
PO box 68
St. Brieux, Sask.
S0K 3V0
Fax: 306-752 5969

Best wishes,
Cal - Montreal