View Full Version : Rocky and the 256 Win Mag

02-27-2005, 06:32 PM
I've read your article on the 256Win out of the Contender. I'm gathering up info to reload the 256 for the Marlin 62. I'm curious if you have notes on the Hornady 75 gr loading for COL in your load data. I have Re7 and 2400 powder, but would like to use the 75gr load to feed from the magazine if feasible and all else considered. I remember the fanfare at the introduction of this long lost round, but the inattention it received from varmint hunters led to its demise. I have some original once fired brass to work with, but no dies at this point. Thanks:)

02-27-2005, 06:57 PM
No. 3,
The Serria Manual has data for the .256 Win. and their test gun was a Marlin Mod. 62. I also shoot the .221 Fire Ball case necked out to .25 cal. This case has just alittle more capisity than the .256 Win. mag., but I use the .256 data for a starting load, and in fact load the books max. load for my rifle. I load H-4227 in the round and have good luck with it. Not a long range round to be sure, but still point blank to over 200 yrds., and not real loud.

Rocky Raab
02-28-2005, 09:34 AM
I just happened to have that folder handy...

My OAL for the 75 VMax was 1.88" to 1.90".

Isn't the Marlin 62 a tube-fed gun? It'd be wise to restrict it to a two-shooter (one in the chamber and one more in the tube) if you use pointy bullets.

Personally, I doubt the 256 has enough recoil for one bullet point to set off the primer of the round ahead of it, or that it would wreck the gun even if it did. BUT, better safe than sorry, huh?

02-28-2005, 11:19 AM
The 62 has a removable (clip) magazine that is 1.75" max inside length. That was why I was looking for the length info.
Doing the homework to find out what not to try. There are 75gr flat points as well as 60gr flat points available. Bullet weight and point type may be moot, but I would like to glean as much info as possible.Thanks for the info, Gentlemen. The quest is on.