View Full Version : Finally, Im Legal!!!

Andy L
02-28-2005, 11:44 AM
Finally, Friday I got the phone call from the sheriffs office to come pick up my CCW permit!!

I took the class and test and did the qualifying on Jan 9th. On Jan 10th, I went to the sheriffs office and got my fingerprints and background check. My info was then sent to the highway patrol and FBI. The way the law reads, as I understand it, if the sheriff hasnt gotten any word from either office within 45 days, he can then issue the permit, with his discression. So, that was the 45 days and I took it to the license bureau and had a non-driver ID card made showing my CCW permit. Good till 2011.

Im a little slow on getting this, I know, but proud to have it.


02-28-2005, 01:35 PM
now all you need is a trusty GLOCK!
i just said that to rile up some folks who dont like 'em. It is something you should be proud of

Andy L
02-28-2005, 01:55 PM
I got a trusty GLOCK!! :) I like it too. Just dont carry it much.

So far Ive been carrying a 22lr Beretta Bobcat and a 44spl Charter Arms Bulldog Pug.

The GLOCK has been my bedside gun..... Im considering an HK 9mm for a carry gun as well.

So many guns, so little time. (and money.... ;) )


02-28-2005, 03:42 PM
I'm surprised that you didn't have a CCW before this (because of your profession). My two favorites are both Berettas. A 92FS in 9mm and a 96 40 cal. Congrats!!

Andy L
02-28-2005, 03:49 PM
Well, I didnt have the license, but uhhhh, well you can guess.....

I never was too worried about it here in central MO. Most cops know me and those that dont, usually dont check us too hard. I am glad to have it for going out of the area and to certain states.


03-01-2005, 12:48 PM
i wouldnt be beyond putting one of those small .22s in my pocket so just for the sake of conversation what do you feed it?

03-01-2005, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Andy L

I never was too worried about it here in central MO. Most cops know me and those that dont, usually dont check us too hard. I am glad to have it for going out of the area and to certain states.



I'm sure you already know this, but a CCW permit from one state may or may NOT be accepted in another. You can check it on www.packing.org -- IIRC, they have a secion on what states will recognize your Missouri permit.

BTW, you might want to look into whether a Florida non-resident permit would be useful to you. It is possible to a non-resident of Florida to get a permit from that state via mail. It is very widely recognized. I am looking into it for myself as it would be more widely recognized than my IN resident permit.

Good luck.


Andy L
03-01-2005, 02:41 PM
Im feeding it Remington Yellowjackets. Since it doesnt have an extractor, it seems higher velocity works better. Less stove piping and better ejection.

Im aware of packing.org. Thanks for the info though. I thought of one of the Florida permits, but I think in the near future, Missouri is going to be alot more recognized. We just got a new governor that says its on the agenda to change the wording that has us stifled in some states. If not, I may get a Florida permit as well.


03-01-2005, 09:57 PM
Just a note, be VERY careful if you decide to carry in Ohio. They've got some wild restrictive laws that make it almost not worth doing. You could become a felon a little quicker than you should be able to.

03-02-2005, 05:39 AM
Originally posted by VinVega
Just a note, be VERY careful if you decide to carry in Ohio. They've got some wild restrictive laws that make it almost not worth doing. You could become a felon a little quicker than you should be able to.

Your cautionary point is a good one on Ohio. As I understand it (relying on packing.org here) my IN permit is no good next door in Ohio. But, the FL NR permit woudl be recognized.

Then there is Michigan where my IN resident permit is recognized, but a Florida NR permit is not.

Then there is Illinois (and NY, MD, MA etc.) where nobody's permit, except their own, is recognized and non-residents need not apply.

Its a real patchwork out there.


Andy L
03-02-2005, 07:20 AM
As I understand it from a freind licensed in Ohio, you can pack on your person, but not in a vehicle. So, if your driving down the road and your gun is in your pocket its ok, but take it out and lay it in the console your screwed. Pretty wild.

In Missouri, its the opposite. You dont need a license to carry concealed in a vehicle, just on your person. If your 21 and dont have any felonies and legally own the weapon, you can carry it in your vehicle concealed. But, if its in your pocket, you better have a license.

Wish this could be uniformed nationwide. Even backward, screwed up states like Illinois and New York wake up and smell the coffee.

I personally cannot stand the state of Illinois. No offense to anyone living there, but their laws are the craziest I have seen. We cant even pick up fugitives there. If its a misdemeanor and someone takes off to Illinois, were screwed. Like a sovereign nation for fugitives in the US. How screwed up is that? Kentucky, at least some parts are the same way, but I have found the law enforcement to be a little easier to work with and help us get them out. Oregon is too, but they will work as well. But Illinois, forget it. No common sense. Some day I am going to be a martyr, possibly. The law can be beaten, if someone is willing to spend the cash, because it is against Federal law. No one has tried it though, due to the money involved. Someday, I want to do that. Get the right case and go for it. Then its beaten forever. ( Gotta have goals, right. ;) )


03-02-2005, 07:24 AM
Congrats......increase your homeowners insurance.....

03-02-2005, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Valigator
Congrats......increase your homeowners insurance.....

Homeowner's insurance??????

03-02-2005, 08:24 AM
After reading the post I e-mailed one of my buddies who is an insurance guru....I asked him to give me the specifics of liability in a worst case scenario if suit is brought against a person who uses the firearm with a permit...years ago a friend of ours got into an altercation with a thief who was physically robbing him...the guy unloaded on him...the family brought a wrongful death suit on him.....and WON......wiped him and his business out financially.......it seems you are held to a much higher standard and liability when you have the permit, than when you dont....I 'll post more when I hear back from him....

Andy L
03-02-2005, 09:33 AM
The instructor who gave us our class told us to expect a lawsuit, should we shoot someone. No matter what the circumstances are, even law enforcement, you can bet there will be a lawsuit. There will be some long lost cousin, uncle, step brother, someone who may have never known the person very well, but was related somehow, heard of the shooting and will come out of the woodwork to sue you. And there will be an attorney willing to take the case on contingincy.

Thing is, with the robber Val, the shooter was in the wrong, possibly. We were instructed that you cannot shoot someone to protect property. You must be in fear of your life or in fear of someone elses life. You cant shoot someone for robbing you. You cant shoot someone who is fleeing, even if they have just shot you, because there is no more imminent danger to your life or lives of others.

I was told by an attorney one time what to do if I ever get into a situation of shooting someone, god forbid. He said first to make sure you kill them. Dont wound anyone. If your scared enough to shoot, your in danger enough to warrant killing and it will probably be alot better in court than wounding. Then, call the police. Put the weapon down and wait with your hands in plain sight for the police to get there. Then tell them, I was in fear of my life, I shot for the middle, I did not mean to kill them and I want to talk to my attorney, and say no more. Not a word.

Fabs may have more to add to this. I would say your exactly right about the lawsuit though Val.


03-02-2005, 09:37 AM
My friend said he was in fear of his co-workers life...the robbers were heading for him....

Andy L
03-02-2005, 11:44 AM
Thats why I said, "may have been wrong". Didnt know the situation. You would think it would have been justified then.....

Thats sad part of the law. Right isnt always right. Like I said, I was told if you shoot someone for any reason, be prepared to be sued.

