View Full Version : check out o/u for sale on swap n shop

03-03-2005, 07:35 PM
somebody has a nice over under b rizzini for sale on swap and shop. check it out. looks quite nice.

03-04-2005, 09:44 AM
I already looked at it and I am dying to buy it. Problem is I am right in the middle of a remodel, a wedding, and a refinancing so cash might be a little short. I'll probably have to wait until the end of summer to buy a new gun, but such is life.

04-23-2005, 12:34 PM
I think your priorities are out of wack. You need to buy the gun BEFORE the wedding!

04-23-2005, 03:20 PM

If you new me, you would know that my priorities are right where they should be.

Let's see what I bought over the past 2 years:

F-350 Crew Cab w/ turbo diesel
Beretta 391 12 ga. Teknys
Beretta 391 20 ga. Teknys
Beretta 682E Gold Sporting Clays
AKC Yellow Lab with great credentials

If I were to extend the list out to 7 years the amount of guns, hunting and fishing stuff I have purchased would be rather lengthy. Just bought a townhouse for $333,000 over last summer and I have remodeled the entire thing, with just some loose ends to finish. Along with the townhouse I have this wedding coming up, but once the wedding is over, you can bet your rear that I have a list of hunting and fishing stuff I am going to buy.

You should go and read the threads about the gun for sale. That poor guy is selling the o/u, his duckboat, and some other things because his wife said he has to cut back on his hobbies because they are having a baby. When my wife tells me that, there will be one heck of an argument and I will not sell anything of mine. I might not shoot, hunt, or fish as much once I have kids, but I will not be selling anything.