View Full Version : the fun is gone out of muzzzleloading

03-03-2005, 08:18 PM
New muzzzleloaders and new muzzleloading technologies are being developed every year and between pyrodex and sabots and other loads capable of taking animals at 200+ yards they are taking the fun out of muzzleloading because there is not challenge anymore. I try to stay as basic as possible by shooting blackpowder and a buffalo ball-et which is half ball and bullet and i limit my shots to 100 yards and in. Because after all what is the fun in shooting 200 yards with a muzzleloader? I'd just keep the long shots for rifle season.

03-03-2005, 10:03 PM
Traditional muzzle loading is like Traditional archery. Archery has super fast compound bows, light carbon arrows and mechanical broad heads. Muzzleloaders now have inline ignition systems, Pyrodex pellets, sabot bullets and scope sights.

I choose to stay “Trad” because it is what I like to do. Some will try Trad in the future. Some will come back to Trad. Others will never know what they are missing.

All I can do is tell others why I do what I do and try to help the ones that want to know more. Regardless of what happens I love traditional archery and muzzle loading.


PS. My statement does not mean that I think non-Trad is wrong, just not as much fun.:D

03-04-2005, 04:51 AM
The good thing bout that..is that the world might move on..but you aint gotta..lol
Just keep on doin what yer doin..that's what i do.

Adam Helmer
03-04-2005, 01:00 PM

Welcome to the Forum; your post is well-received and you will get input from many great folks here. Allen and Lilred already gave you good input. I have 4 flintlocks and 4 percussion muzzleloaders. I am a Civil War re-enactor locally and carry a M1853 3-band .577 Enfield. I see the inlines and such coming along, but I hunt with flint and cap and keep my traditional focus. If you think about it, the technology came along for the original flinters and caplock folk once before. Lilred gave it a good summary; Do what you like best and that is fine. I like my trad hunting garb, powder horn and .54 flinter. Oh, my 8-point is at the taxidermist and will soon reside on my den wall. Be what you like and let the rest of the others do what they prefer, it is the American way. Meanwhile, put the fun back into whatever you like to hunt with. Be well.


03-05-2005, 02:42 AM
Allen, Ditto!!! I own AND shoot A Lyman .54 Great Plains rifle
and 2 Black Widow recurve bows. (61 & 73 lbs.). It all involves
an attitude and a shooting style. Choose a weapon and use it with in it's limitations. Challenge yourself, not the weapon!!!

03-05-2005, 10:43 AM
I have 2 older Ben Pearson bows and just got a Chek-Mate Hunter II. I see on archery forums people talking about their Black Widow bows all the time. I don’t personally know anyone with a Widow and was wandering, are they really that good?


Gil Martin
03-05-2005, 04:22 PM
We have choices and the right to follow them as we see fit. The fun in using traditional arms will remain as long as that is the drummer we march to. Someone else may want to follow a dufferent path. So be it. What others do does not to detract from our activities and preferences. All the best...

03-05-2005, 07:33 PM
Amen Gil.I still love my side loc.

03-05-2005, 11:31 PM
Black Widows are that good. One of the smoothest out there.
Almost no vibration and very accurate. If a person is thinking
about getting one it's some of the best $500 they will spend.
They also hold their value good. So if you decide that it is not
for you, you won't have to take that big bite out of your ass
when you want to sell it.

03-06-2005, 11:55 PM
well as most here have heard before, i am straddling the fence, and its painful. you see the way i tell people is like this, if they didnt call it a muzzleloader and put the stereotyped flinter or percussion in every ones head it would be a fun concept for lots more people, but every one sees it as "not like my sidelock". and its not, but its not supposed to be. now on the other hand i love the people who brag about their big game kill with a muzzle loader that is an inline, who are they kidding. where i stand is here. come on up and we will spend a summer day shooting ground hogs out past 100 with my 50 T/C, then tell me its not
fun.. it is, i havent met to many guns that arent. not traditional, not like your flinter, but fun. oh and for the record, a patched round ball is still very dear to my heart as well