View Full Version : Wild Game Feed

M.T. Pockets
03-04-2005, 11:01 AM
For the last 20 years our local Sportsman's Club holds a Wild Game Feed the first Saturday in March. Most of the meat is donated by members. We limit the # of tickets to 350 at $15 each. We could sell many more but we keep it this size so we don't compromise quality and outgrow what we can handle. It is a town of about 1,000 people and is quite a social event. About 25 of us work throughout the day and it usually goes quite well.

We hold raffles and end up clearing about $12,000 most years. We spend it all on worthwile projects in our area, plus we sponsor DU, Pheasants Forever, NWTF and many local causes such as stocking & aeriating three local lakes.

There's a lot of work but if you have enough members it goes well (a keg in the kitchen helps too).

It's a great fundraiser and a good time if you have a group that would want to consider one. I'll let you know how it turns out this year.

03-05-2005, 02:49 AM
I have been to some of those and they are fun and a great way to bond a small town together.