View Full Version : illinois info

03-09-2005, 09:10 PM
need some info about bowhunting illinois

A lady that I work with told me that her grandfather owns a 1,000 acre dairy farm in Salem, IL she thinks there is about 200 acres of woods on the farm, and she doesn't think anybody has hunted it in a few years although she is not sure. I know that salem is in the southern part of the state, and I was wondering if there are any large deer in that area.

Also I have heard that you have to apply for a permit to hunt IL if you are a non-resident, and that you draw a permit for one week,

any info someone could give me on the area, liscense prices, and permits would be greatly appreciated

03-10-2005, 06:37 AM
To put it plain and simple IL draw for licenses is just plain screwed up! The whole state typically sells out in a day, but I've heard tail that they may be changing things this year since the Outfitters of the state have been raising a big stink about losing buisness b/c of their draw system. Putting a cap on the licenses hurt the Outfitters in any state....

As of last year you applied around (I believe) 1st week in June? (but I may be wrong) and the tag + license for a non-resident ran you around $270-280.

I believe that's in Marion County? Now I've hunted just SE of that county in White and Wabash. That whole area has some huge bucks in it, I'm sure but I haven't personally been around Salem to vouch for it.

Here's the IL DNR website for more info


and last years season / dates


03-11-2005, 10:31 AM
Yes Il. is haveing a difficult time this yr.with the new"caps" they
are going to put into effect on non-residents. I hear the DNR is
trying to give outfitters 7500 tags,the other 7500 tags go on sale
thru Bass Pro Shops,same as its been for last 3-4 yrs. The tags are going up close to$500.00 for non-residents.The license is good for all yr.,one buck one doe tag with license.The outfitters have made it very hard to hunt there unless useing one of them,
have some private ground(almost non-existenct) or hunt the
National Forest. Go to the"BOWSITE" click on Il conference,it
has all the threads and I mean a lot of them on this situation.
Good luck,I am locked in for this yr. and can,t wait,I don,t care
about the $$$$$$$$,s as I like to hunt"BIG BUCKS" and none
here in my state.