View Full Version : Semi Browning Bar 25-06

03-10-2005, 11:32 PM
Purchased a Browning Bar in 25-06, put a Leupold 3.5-10 50mm scope on it and would like to hear what the experienced shooters feel I should get for a pattern on the range with factory loads. Would a good reload improve much on factory loads? Also is there any tricks that I can do or have a gunsmith do on this rifle to improve on the tightness of its groups. Have it shooting well enough that I've taken a couple of hogs with it, but am planning to do some yote hunting and will be headed to the range with a good bench rest for some serious work.


03-11-2005, 08:55 AM
2-4" groups at 100

Hi Ball
03-11-2005, 09:26 PM
Bluegunner, that rifle is capable of shooting 1 inch groups 7 days a week @ 100 yards with the proper reload! Now good factory ammo (not the cheap stuff) should get you into the 1.5 to 2 inch range off the bench.

I know a fellow down south who has one in a .243 and his is very accurate. If you don't reload the best thing is to purchase several different brands of ammo and go to the range, to find out what that rifle likes the most. A simple process of elimination, same goes for various bullet weights also.

Now when you do this workout at the rifle range, don't let that barrel get to hot. Best to take at least 2 minutes or more between shots OK. Then wait 10 minutes in between each 3 shot group. Keep the barrel cool during this process. Clean bore after 3rd shot group.

I have a BAR in a .338 mag and it likes 225 grain Federal TBBC bullets the best in factory ammo. Shoots 1.75 MOA and 1.15 inch groups with my reloads.

03-12-2005, 08:14 PM
I like your advise and have taken it to heart! Will follow through and have posted in the reloading section for help about a good procedure to follow in finding the best bullet for my rifle. I can hand reload (haven't for year - sold all my guns when raising kids) and need to clear out the rust. Thank again!


03-12-2005, 08:48 PM
im thinking alittle difrently on the subject.

id think it being semi and all youd want to know where its gona push 3-5 rds as fast you can acuratly sqeeze the trigger.

the first shot is should be all we need but we all know that alot of times we want fast follow up shot.
sometimes maybe seconds after the first shot is fired. i just dont see waiting between shots for the barrel to cool of to be good measure.not when you cant count on duplicateing that in the feild.

even my bolt guns i fire 10 shot goups. one rd after another. usualy barrels are hot enough to boil spit after a few groups like that. but they are consistenst. id want atleast 5 shot group outa the semi auto that would go somewhere in the middle of 1-3"s

it would be my brush gun. and a 3" group wouldnt bother me one bit.

but my bolts guns double as my longer meduim range and short range rigs.

good luck


03-12-2005, 09:02 PM
My real concern is the accuracy of the first shot. I grew up with nothing but single shots and learned the value of making the first shot count. My reason for having a semi is not two miss the first time and have a back up.
My primary reason is: 1. I always wanted one 2. I'm left handed

What I'm trying to do is find a load that will give me the most accuracy with the first shot!

I appreciate your responses!


03-13-2005, 01:31 PM
because your running the action by hand on the first shot its is likly to shoot to a difrent POI than the rest. where the action is being cycled by the power of the cartridge going off.

also consistent ammo plays a big part in constinstent acuracy in semis. say the first shot is loaded as hot as the second by alittle bit. actualy the first shot wont matter.

say the 2nd is the light load. then the 3rd rd isnt cyled inot the chamber as hard as the 2nd was. then the 3rd is a good load and cycles 4th as it should.

but none of these shoot the same as the first fired.

im just not a big semi fan. i like bolt actions and singles way to much to consider a center fire semi auto. if im counting on the first shot i dont see any reason to have anything else. even a number one can shoot a fast follow up shot if your ready.

you want one and thats cool


03-14-2005, 05:31 PM
I shoot a BAR lightweight in 30-06. Never fired factory but will get 1"MOA out of it all day. You should be able to fine tune it with handloads. Remember to keep the velocity at or about factory which will keep it functioning perfectly.

Also small base dies are a must. Remember to trim the brass after each firing.

They will shoot.

Hi Ball
03-15-2005, 10:47 AM
Evan-03.........I reckon a hunter shooting 3 fast shots out of any semi-auto might surely move a group around a bit. However, for the sake of NOT getting a barrel HOT in doing one's research at the bench, I always suggest that one take lots of time in between shots and always keep that barrel cool.

I seriously doubt that any hunter would be taking more than 3 quick shots at any big game animal at first sighting anyway. On the other hand, after you unlock that magic number at the reloading bench, you can shoot fast 3 or 5 shots groups if you like. One must remember, that getting 1 inch groups doing this are highly not likely. I sure never have been able to do that kind of shooting on paper with a semi-auto or full auto.

I am positive that after one got there finest group from the bench with that Browning Bar, they would be able to keep any 3 shot (One after another fast) burst, within a 4 to 6 inch circle with a 25-06 caliber and that is still great shooting from the shoulder at 100 yards. I must admit it does take lots of practice to accomplish this type shooting, it is never a given to get that kind of accuracy from the shoulder shooting as fast as one pulls the trigger.

03-20-2005, 04:22 PM
Have looked for small base dies for the 25-06 with no luck. They are made for the 30-06 and 270. Question: Since the base is the same on all three cases, will 30-06 or 270 work?

03-20-2005, 04:47 PM
Rocky would be the "authority" on this but I would suspect that if you removed the stem from a 06 SM die it might work. Having loaded for a 06 semi for years I have found that to function perfectly the Small Base die is the best. You might have no problems with a regular die however why take the chance.

03-20-2005, 05:09 PM
Any ideas where I can find small base dies for 25-06? Have tried Cabalas and plan to call RCBS on Monday.


Hi Ball
03-21-2005, 10:07 AM
Bluegunner, I would call up RCBS or Redding and they should be able to fix you up with no problem. I have had several reloaders tell me that the Redding dies are more accurate. You can check that out also. Good Luck!

PS I have a Browning Bar in a .338 mag that shoots Federal ammo with in a 3 inch group at 225 yards. I know your 25-06 will do even better.:)

03-24-2005, 11:26 AM
Yes call RCBS. If they don't stock them which I do not believe they do, they can make them for you. I had a set made for a 358 Win and I believe I paid about $50-$60 for them.

03-25-2005, 06:44 PM
Called RCBS and can get small base dies for my 25-06, cost about $80.00 special order. I was advised by RCBS to try loading without the special die (use my normal dies) and see if a problem develops. It was their feeling that my normal dies would probably work fine. They suggested that I work up my loads and dry run them through the gun, if the bolt seats properly and they eject out with out hanging, they should work. They advised that I could always order the small base die. I felt they were really trying to help and not just sell me something.

03-26-2005, 11:29 AM
They may and probably will work out fine. Now the Butt Monkey. Keep in mind that this is a field gun. Remember that after carrying it around in the mountains for a few day things will tend to get a little dirty and grimey. A few thousands here and there may keep it functioning when grimed up. JMO and Iam no way any expert, I would hedge my bet and go with the SB, even at $80. With the cost of ammo your return isn't much shooting.

What the heck give it a shot. Let me know how all works out.