View Full Version : New Comer To The Homestead!

Hi Ball
03-15-2005, 08:48 PM
Well folks, we picked us up a hitch hiker the other day! Yep, just felt sorry for this little pup who needed a place to call his own I reckon. The wife too had a soft spot in her heart for the little critter you might say and gave the go ahead to go fetch him.

Guess I'll be tellin yall that he is a male German Shorthair Pointer who's daddy won the Texas Quail Shootout this past year. He also won the Nationals in Fied Trial competition in the year 2003 for the all age dogs. This little fellar's mama was no tramp by any means, as she too showed her grit by attaining her FC (Field Championship) sometime ago.

We are real proud of this young squirt of a GSP and hope he lives up to his Mama & Daddy's abilities come time to take part in all the fun. His name is "Magnums Shakin In Gold"

03-16-2005, 05:21 AM
Congrats on the new pup! May you enjoy many yrs together!

Doc E
03-16-2005, 09:11 AM
PICS ! We want pics! It's bad luck to tell us about a new pup without putting up a picture.

03-16-2005, 11:15 AM
Yeah, the puppy pics are always great.

03-16-2005, 04:27 PM
Hey Hi Ball, just a little word of advice, enjoy him for him, don't try and make him into his dad or his mom, just make him into the best him he can be, and you will have years of fun and enjoyment together. And by the way glad to see another GSP fan on board.

03-16-2005, 07:32 PM
Pics!!! We want pics!!!

Congrats on the new addition, ya can't go wrong with a pup in the house. :D

Hi Ball
03-16-2005, 10:02 PM
GSPsonny03,..........Well folks, it's like this you see, I just enjoy having great bred dogs to work with in the field.

I never did have any intentions of going the "field trial" route period! However, I just might take up a challenge or two on that NSTRA circuit (If the arm heels up)

Next year I hope to be able to tour the USA and hunt birds in various states, while traveling in the motorhome with the wife and pulling those dogs behind us.

Folks, I'll try to get some pictures taken this weekend if the weather holds on to be nice and sunny. This hear pup ran quite aways crossing the border and has 3 feet with pads wore clean off......OUCH! I reckon I will have to teach him English too!

He was used to eating Burritos instead of Purina Pro Plan. LoL:D