View Full Version : Nickel cases

03-16-2005, 06:27 PM
I was goofing off on Ebay and bought 100 new 17 rem. cases for $10.00. I have never ued nickel before. Do they load the same as brass?

Rocky Raab
03-17-2005, 07:33 AM
A warm wlecome to HuntChat.

The answer is yes and no.

Make sure you lube those nickel cases properly, and don't overwork them by sizing them up or down too far.

The problem is that the nickel flakes off, and if those tiny flakes or super-hard nickel get inside your sizing die, they'll get embedded in the steel. Every single case after that will get scratched. If the flakes are big enough, the resultant scratch can be deep enough to weaken the case. That's very bad.

Trimming, chamferring and excessive size/expand work all create nickel flakes.

Those things are great for the factory loads, but not so good for reloading.

03-17-2005, 05:31 PM
It won`t take you long to learn all you need to know about nickle cases first hand. I try not to get any nickle cases, but some times they just get to cheap to pass up. Rocky pretty much said it, but I would also recomand neck sizeing only, if you do not already. If your chamber is oversize in the neck area the cases will still split the necks after only afew loadings. Personally I would not give $ 10 for 100 new nickle cases, but would buy a truck load of brass for that price.

03-18-2005, 04:52 AM
The nickel is 'flash plated' on these cases and if you look inside the case necks with a magnifying glass you'll see tiny beads of nickle clinging there in various amounts. Bottom line the beads can imbed in the bullet and scratch bore upon firing and can also affect 'bullet pull' with its accuracy problems, etc.
BUT, they are nice to look at and won't get verdigris in leather belt loops which was the original intent of nickel plating. Police officers were happy for this, and they don't reload, or buy their own firearms in general.

Cal Sibley
03-19-2005, 09:29 AM
I'm not a big fan of nickel cases. In addition to scratching hell out of your sizing dies, they are death on your neck deburring tools. I ruined a Redding and RCBS beburring tool as well in short order.
It didn't take long to make them very dull. Just one mans opinion. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal