View Full Version : Spent some time with the .204 today.

03-16-2005, 06:32 PM
I have a T/C barrel for an Encore in .204 and findly took it out to see if it would shoot anything. Tried WC-844, AA 2230-C and Bench Mark. I bought it for a flat shooten gun, but guess I can forget that. It flat did not like any fast loads. Anything over suggested starting load started opening up the groups. Hot loads 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 in. I never did shoot a good group. Had acouple of lite loads that I shot under 1/2 in. 4 shot groups, but the 5 shot groups were around 3/4 in. I though that the barrel was going to be a real bad copper fouller, but seems like it`s doing better after break-in. The 30 gr. Bergers look like they may be the best after limited testing. Oh yea, Hornady factory loads with 32 gn. bullets came in at 1 1/2 moa. I think it`s going to be a keeper, but I was haveing my doubts when I got started.

Andy L
04-25-2005, 07:59 AM
Try RL15. I know with the 25gr Bergers out of a 17 Rem, well, I havent seen many 17s that wouldnt shoot well with RL15 for hot loads, lets put it that way.

I dont know where I would start with a load. Dont know if there is any load data. But with virtually the same case and bullet weight, there should be something there. I know when I get mine, that will be my first powder.


04-26-2005, 05:01 PM
I got data for the RL-15, but I just bought 48 lbs. of the 2230-C so I`m wanting to shoot it in as many rounds as I can work up an accurate load in. ;) I`ll get back out and try some more loads when I can get some time, but I think that I`ll find something that shoots well with the 2230-C.

04-26-2005, 06:59 PM
cat what length barrel did you get in encore and also keep shooting and posting fellas i am eager to see your finds lol i have an encore barrel 26 heavy in the 204 and well i am like you fellas i was real sad with the results but i wont quit so easy i also have a 700 rem adl in the 204 and it really made me cry thats why i bought the encore barrel lol i am going to try the rel 15 in a real light load next after you fellas post some results lol and cat the data you have on the rel 15 can ya tell me where ya got it because i sure would like to take a peek at it and also if either of you can check your length or depth on the col i sure would be interested in knowing how long it is thanks scoot

04-30-2006, 04:53 AM
Go to www.rugerhunting. com, This fourm is all about the 204s . Theres alot of good guys welling to help any one out. Have a great day every one.

05-01-2006, 01:04 PM
My .204 Rugers are 23" Contender barrels that shoot extremely well using a 32 gr. Sierra bullets, 29.0 gr. of RL-15 and a CCI BR-4 primer. That is basically my prairie dog...volume load. Very accurate and just under published max load for that combination.

05-01-2006, 01:06 PM
forgot this part

COAL = 2.345" for 32 gr. Sierra BK(this is a single shot and I can load them this long)

FPS = with 29.0 gr. of RL-15 4150-4170 fps

23" barrel

05-04-2006, 10:09 AM
Haven`t had time to get on much lately and supprised to see this one back up.
I never got that barrel to shoot well and sent it back to T/C. They said it was out of spec. and sent me a new one. I could n`t get it to shoot as well as the first one so I traded it on a CZ 527 in .204. The CZ is a tack driver with 32 gn. Serrias. It shoot the 32 gn. Hornady`s at abt. 1/2 moa. and the 39 gn Serria`s to at .700. The gun just don`t like any of the 40 gn. bullets 1 1/2 moa and up.
I might also add here again not to use the 32 gn. Serrias on coyotes as they do not have the penitration nessary to kill them. They are fantasict on groundhog though.