View Full Version : ever notice you don't need lube??

03-17-2005, 10:44 AM
i have found that if i am using brass directly out of the tumbler which also has a brass polish in it, when i am neck sizing i don't need any lube at all. press works smooth as silk, i kind of noticed this by accident. any way kind of nice. i have only tried this out on severl hundred fire ball and 243 casings. i assume it is from the slight bit of polish on the cases. if the press were hard to use in any way of course i would lube.

just wondering if anybody else has noticed this?

03-17-2005, 06:23 PM
In most cases you won`t need it when full lenth sizeing eather. I just dip my case necks in a container of number 12 shot and mica for neck sizeing, and with some cases I don`t even do that.

Cal Sibley
03-19-2005, 10:43 AM
If you're neck sizing and lube the inside of the case neck you'll transfer some of the lube to you expander plug and not need to re-lube for a while. You can easily tell when you need to re-lube again. I would never recommend running an unlubed case up into a sizing die though. That's just asking for heartache. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal