View Full Version : I'm stoked! 28ga AA's at Wally World!

03-18-2005, 11:48 PM
Sorry, I get a little excited over some pretty simple things but for the last year on my multi-weekly walk-a-thon thru Wally World, I always stop and scan the shotgun shell selection. They have been stocking some decent stuff for good prices including lots of .410 and even 16ga loads from Federal and Winchester AA's. I always dream and seek that errant box of 28 gauge but it just never exists.....that is until tonight! They had 3 cases of Winchester AA's in their new high strength-HS hulls. The only thing I have ever been able to find in my area was a case of Fiocchi shells which shot pretty well in my Red Label but I am shelling out over $9 a box from my dealer who seldom reorders it. The Win AA's are only $6.25 a box at Wally's place!

I asked the Wally Worker who I talk to frequently if this was going to be something regular or do I need to buy it all right now? He said they have actually had it for 5 months but someone comes in the day they get their one case and buys it all. I'm in there a lot and I have NEVER seen it! They got smart and started ordering 3 cases now. I brought one home! ;)

03-19-2005, 03:21 PM
Hey TD...That really is a pretty good price on AA 28 ga. My cost is just about that. Buy more cause the price is going up up up! I love shooting the 28. Get a Mec reloader for the 28. Easy to load and a whole lot cheaper...under 3 bucks a box...counting a bit for the cases. Remington's load better and our Wally World has both

03-20-2005, 01:24 AM
I've got the reloader skeet, a MEC 600 Jr that came with the gun when I bought it. No such luck on the Remington loads however, only AA's. I guess there is a difference with this new hull. They say (on the box) you HAVE to use a WAA28HS wad (red) not the pink WAA28 along with the "new data". I'll go buy a few more cases and I should be good to go for a long time. I have toomany other shotguns to shoot to put too many down range with this gun!

05-13-2005, 07:35 PM
This past rabbit season my blittle 28 ga. performed awesomey. First time putting it to the test and i'm now in love with it. Shells down here are easily found just down the road but they still cost abou 8 or 9 bucks.