View Full Version : Bowhunting for Gobblers

03-19-2005, 07:52 PM
I am planning to use my bow this season.
I plan to use the same set up for turkeys as for deer with the following exceptions:
Reduce draw weight from 65 lbs to 50 - 55 lbs.
I will be using expandable broadheads.
Anyone have any suggestions?

04-06-2005, 06:18 AM
I use the exact same setup I do for deer. Expandables, I didn't lower my draw since my bow has like 80% letoff and I can hold it for quite a while at 70 pounds I think I'm only holding like 14 so I can sit there all day with my bow drawn if I have too :rolleyes:

Anyhow the combination seems to work


If you're allowed to in your state, I'd suggest using a blind like a double bull. They sure make it easy to do the hard part; getting to full draw on a bird without him seeing you

04-06-2005, 10:32 AM
I agree with Petey. If you're comfortable with where your bow is set now, I would leave it the way it is. Even set at 50 to 55 lbs. you should have complete pass-through if you shoot at reasonable range. Shooting turkeys is not a lot different than shooting white tail, other than smaller targets. I'm not sure I would change a thing. JMO

04-07-2005, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the advise guys.
I do plan to use my pop up blind.
I will take your advise and keep my current set up. :)