View Full Version : Florida Non-Resident CCW

03-21-2005, 04:44 PM
Might have to apply for one in case I decide to visit my friends down there....

I heard it is recognized in a few other states too. Not my home state but, it's better than nothing, when on vacation

03-21-2005, 05:48 PM

03-22-2005, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by carl

Thanks I followed that Link right to the request for an application.
I am having the application sent to me so I can apply

Adam Helmer
03-22-2005, 03:16 PM

It is very unfortunate that Article IV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution does NOT apply to CCWs. Section 1 says, "Full Faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other state."

Ok, so when you travel on vacation with wife and loyal dawg, you do NOT have to get another driver's license in each state you pass through, you do not have to remarry your wife nor does your dawg need another state dawg license to be "street legal", BUT your CCW may, or may not, be legal! Wot the hell is going on here? I have long said, if you are legally married, a car driver or a CCW person in your state, you should be legal in all states. Ok, so do not expect the Supreme Court to get involved since they have "feeding tube" stuff to sort out and our CCWs are small potatoes.


03-22-2005, 06:05 PM
Well put Adam!! It's so logical it kills me.

Adam Helmer
03-23-2005, 01:43 PM

Stop by your local elected official's office sometime and pick up a pamphlet entitled, "The Constitution of the United States." It is a pocket-sized pamphlet and turn to Atricle IV, Section 1 and read it. Then ask your federal representative why this is not the law of the land? Well, it is the law of the land for driver's licenses, dog licenses, divorces and wotnot, BUT NOT for CCWs.

Whenever I hear the CCW reciprocity debate, I pull out my pamphlet and inform the folks, somewhat. As Dr. Spock would say, "That is too logical."


03-24-2005, 05:05 PM
Sure would be a schweet deal if it was nation wide, but then you would be envolving the feds and nobody likes that Idea.

I guess I could live with the Idea of leaving it up to the State to issue and mantain the permits and make it Federal law that each state reciprocate, like they do with Driver's lisences and other stuff... Yeah that would be good, but you guys are right on one account.....

It is too simple and makes too much sense for it ever to be put into effect.

I guess until I move out of Maryland and into Montana the FLA non-resident CCW is the closest thing I will get to a carry permit. I just have to take the loooong way to work (through Virginia hahaha) to be able to carry :D

04-04-2005, 11:45 AM
Well I got the papers in the amil this weekend I guess I will fill them out, get the fingerprint thing and photo done and as soon as I talk the wifey into the $117 I will send it all in a wait for my card in the mail. Like I said,, this sure won't do me anygood to carry in my own home state but it will let me carry on vacation, and probably make it easier to get a Carry permit when I move to Montana

04-04-2005, 04:49 PM
I should apply at the sametime, to see who gets it first:D

I wont even do the electronic fingerprinting to level the field. I wold normaly never do such a thing as play on a "level field", but their is no casino nearby:( . Shoot, mabe I should visit Tampa! Whith a CCW I could be like Doc Holiday, or Wild Bill (J/K). Not Bill, didnt he get shot in the back while gambling? It doesnt matter..

I think it would be better to be packing where you are living. Do you live near Baltimore?

04-08-2005, 10:34 PM
:) I am in Michigan I have had a concealed weapon permit about four years now I am considering going to Florida for the winter is this permit legal in other states??????

04-08-2005, 11:41 PM


04-09-2005, 10:59 AM

Go here to confirm it but it looks like they honor Michigans ccw in Florida.

Adam Helmer
04-10-2005, 05:44 PM

Do they honor Michigan driver's licenses in Florida? The Consititution clearly says in Article IV, Section 1 that the states shall give full faith and credit to "the official acts of other states." Any state resident's driver's license, marriage license, and dog license, is recognized in all other states while travelling so why not the CCW?


04-11-2005, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by BILLY D.


Gee, Billy D., what did you want to hear from your "lawyer friends"? (Now you have heard from them...)


04-13-2005, 08:35 PM
I wish the law on ccw was applied just like driver licenses.In Ohio we have to have our weapons "in plain sight" or locked in a case or locked in the glove box while in a motor vehicle. Hopefully the law will get change enough to be more ccw friendly.Packing.org has all the laws for every state on their website if you want to see all the differences.There is a lot of variation from state to state.

04-14-2005, 04:17 PM
actually Florida's Non-resident CCW is not honored in Michigan or New Hampshire. Otherwise it does look like a Michigan RESIDENT CCW is honored in FLA

Heres the link to the Florida website


Very informative. If you have a Michigan Resident CCW and a Florida Non Resident you can pack heat in almost every CCW state, or so it would appear

04-16-2005, 12:12 PM
I think it would be cool if there was a nationwide CCW.

As far as state reciprocity goes, I think that should be left to the state. I realy dont wana give the federal govt more power.

Mr. Spock might think thats logical. Dr Spock would just try to give you adice on how to treat your child.;) :D