View Full Version : help me win an argument

03-22-2005, 10:18 AM
need some back up here. when we go out hunting. if it is just me and my cousin we just rig about 100 canada sillouttes. now when we take another friend along who has a snow goose obsession. he always insist on litterning the field with 200 snow rags/sillouttes.for the rare chance that snows might pass and then might come in. now if its just the two of us, we smack the geese dead, throw in all the snow rags off to the rear of the spread and the canadas get shy and skirt out there near 60 yds all day. now please tell me i am not just going crazy that if i hunt 2 days with the snows out and one with the canadas only all in a row, the canada day is the only day we get all the honkers, can i tell him to leave the snows at home next time?
frankly i dont give a rats-ass if a snow comes in the spread :mad:

03-22-2005, 10:37 AM
Out here in my territory, I'd say leave 'em at home! Geese are incidental to my Duck hunting but I do drill Geese from my blind. On any givin day, I'll have thousands of Snows within 300 yards of my ponds sitting on a dry, cut rice field. They will always be joined by a couple hundred Specks but NEVER a Honker, Aleutian, or Cackler.

I can get the occasional Honker to cruise my blind but seldom ever "in range" as I have several dozen Snow and as many Spec floaters in my spread. They're just not interested. The Snows and Specs dekes are there to entice those landlocked groups to "swing" over my pond as they ingress and egress their field. Some days it works and they swing right over my blind and some days I just sit and watch as they come right to the edge and turn! :rolleyes:

That's my experience.

03-22-2005, 04:08 PM
I have hunted snows over Canada decoys and it isn't too bad. See, the snows are smaller birds, but more aggressive than the canadas, so they don't mind landing in there with canadas. However, I think the canadas would rather stay clear of them.

Personally, I would leave the snow decoys at home if you are able to hunt canadas unless of course you know that thousands of snows are using the field and you can have a field day with them. Try to scout the field and see what is using it and use the decoys appropriately. While it is tough to get canadas in if they are not regularly using a field, it is extremely tough to get snows to come in if they aren't regularly using a field. The snows are much more wary. So, I prefer hunting canadas unless I know the snows have been in a field for a couple of days. Even then, it is still tough to rely on snows showing up.

03-22-2005, 08:08 PM
If the chances are that rare of even seeing any, I would tell him to leave them,home or only put two or three in your spread.This way the canadas should feel comfortable enough and if by chance a few snows come by .Who knows.We often see flocks of canadas with one or two snows in the flocks.;)

03-23-2005, 07:52 AM
Tell him to leave them at home. Canada's really don't like to be in with Snow geese. I have seen a large flock of Canada geese in a field many times when the snows start to come in ...and the canada's start to leave. This happens all the time here on the Eastern Shore. They really don't like to be around the very aggressive snow's and will almost always leave when the snow geese come. Snow's will however come to a canada rig quite readily. I've shot about as many snow geese out of a canada rig as I have just hunting snows with a big rig. BTW tell him to get snow's to work he'll need at least 2000 decoys. Not a joke either. Unless the sky carp have been in a field for a while it is almost impossible to entice them in without that many decoys...and that is minimal. I know a few guides that use 5000 to get a few white birds. Hateful birds to say the least. In the mid west I have heard that the geese intermingle but the white ones are the prevalent bird there anyway. Canada's have to deal with 'em. I do understand a fixtion on white geese. I hate them too.:D :D

03-23-2005, 12:25 PM
as i suspected
thanks all,