View Full Version : Lazy hunt

03-23-2005, 12:20 AM
Was setting here at the house thinking about going hunting a freind of mine called and while i was talking to him on the phone had two of my kidds here trying to get under my skinn I looked out the back window i have 200 acers all plowed been to wet to do any planting and i had to do a double take About 400 yards out i could see something boobing up and down so i had to hang up on my freind and grab the spoting scope and sure anofe it was a yote by the time i got the gun and and the back window up the yote was 200 yards out I barked and stoped him made a good shot and down he whent too my two kidd that was here and watched the whole thing will they just had to walk out and see the big ugly yote 200 yards of mud and the kids got to have a look see.The yote was full of mainge look like it's going to be a ruff year with all the mainge showing up .

03-23-2005, 06:09 PM
As much as I hate yotes I don`t even wish mainge on them. You did a double good thing, you got ride of a youte and a maingey critter with one good shot.