View Full Version : Need info on Crossman Mdl 140

Montana Cowboy
03-23-2005, 04:24 PM
Afternoon All
I recently rebuilt a Crossman Mdl 140 .22 cal pellet gun. What I need to know is what number of times do you pump it to shoot it without over pumping it. This pellet gun is 45 years old so I thought some of you fellas might have had one or have an owners manual. Also, what type of oil does it use on the felt washer that is attached to the pump mechanism

03-24-2005, 04:58 PM
Just from my past experience with quite a few pump air rifles, most of them are either single pump or 10 is the max number.

Between myself and all my cousins growing up we went through a lot of pump bb/pellet rifles and everyone was either 1 pump or 10 pumps.

Hope this helps.

Montana Cowboy
03-24-2005, 10:14 PM
Evening Madman
Thanks for the reply. This pellet gun would require more than one pump. When I was a kid I used this pellet gun a lot. One would think that I would remember how many pumps it would take but it has been 40 yrs (God that sounds like a long time) since I shot this gun and I just don't remember. Thought about contacting Crossman maybe they would still have something in their files. Again thanks for the reply. MC