View Full Version : Hunting On Sunday

03-25-2005, 01:16 PM
A proposal has been put forth to allow huntig on sundays in southern ontario.I hope this goes through as I am forced to work six days a week as are many people today.What you think?;)

03-25-2005, 01:40 PM
I agree that sunday hunting should be allowed.. out here in Alberta only if you hunt in the green zone (the northern part of the province) you can hunting on sundays. That is about a 2.5hr drive north of me. Around my area, no sunday hunting, so I get the saturday and holidays to hunt. Because of this I take a week off just to get out and have a chance!

03-25-2005, 02:43 PM
Good to hear from you toxic111.The same here eccept it's about a seven hour ride north to hunt on sundays.I hunt rabbit,duck,geese,deer,moose and trying to get into varmit hunting now.It would definately help,maybe not the mariage but it would help me to hunt more and just be in the field.I to have to take time off to realy hunt,or when I work the afternoon shift I can get out a few hours each day.Having the whole day could make all the differance,and maby those who gave it up because of no time,just might pick it up again.;)

03-25-2005, 02:47 PM
That is the thought out here as well... Alberta Fish & Game Assoc. has been pushing for sunday hunting for a few years now, they get a few more zones opened up every year.

Heck, it is even worse in the southern part of the province. They only get thurs, fri, & sat to hunt!

BTW I hunt, deer (both mulie & Whitetail), antelope when I get drawn, moose (when I finally get drawn) hopeing for elk one of these years, and bear when I get time.

I spend a fair bit of time in the summer shooting gophers, and trying for ol wile coyote!

03-25-2005, 06:10 PM
not a problem in my book

03-25-2005, 08:44 PM
they should allow it. ive hunted my whole life here in B.C. a guy works hard all week,they should be able to enjoy their weekends HUNTING.strange how laws verie all across canada.

03-25-2005, 10:21 PM
I could'nt imagine only being ables to hunt 3 days a week,"OUTCH".If we can get it I hope it's just the begining and others do the same.With the demands our jobs have on us to work six days a week.It should even help stimulate the economy.I hope it works out.Great replies keep them coming.;) Ken. PS.it's been 22 years since I hunted ALBERTA and I still long for it.:cool: imagine doing this on sunday gotta luv it.;)

ghost stalker
03-26-2005, 05:33 PM
yeh,it really hurts when your a die-hard and can't help but drive 800kms in a day just cuz some stupid law that makes no sense.

04-19-2005, 08:07 PM
Ontario's MNR is reportedly said sunday hunting in southern ont. may be in place for this fall's hunting season.In ontario out of doors magazine.Bring it on.;)

03-12-2006, 04:19 PM
Well it's a win for most of southern ontario to now be able to go hunting on sundays.Not all townships accepted it including where I live.But it's not far to where I can hunt,I'm just hoping they say the whole province can because of hunting days for waterfowl,set out and you can here but not on the other side the road etc.Any way the majority will be able to hunt on sunday now,
starting this September.Hunt on. ;) Ken

03-13-2006, 08:24 AM
Good.....hopefully the Morons running Manitoba Conservation will
pay attention to that and grow a pair of you know whats.

Letting a handful of local politicians that are on municipal counsel impose their views on the entire community is just not acceptable, but that is how the gov't does it here. They ask local counsel and if they are all church goers then they say no.