View Full Version : Mifflin County Pa SC GHog shoot results

Boyd Heaton
03-26-2005, 09:43 AM
P. O. BOX 69
LEWISTOWN, PA 17044-2129
PHONE (717) 247-2640
E-mail: mcsano1@localnet.com Web Site: mifflincosportsmens.com

President: Abram A. Henry III (717) 899-7529 Secretary: Holly Shaffer-Witmer (717) 437-0836
E-mail: aah431l@localnet.com E-mail: jjwitmer@paonline.com

MARCH 19, 2005


1. Cherie White 135 0x 2.982
2. Jay Farney 131 1x 2.98
3. Shane Haubrick (youth) 115 0x 6.835


1. Craig Brosius 148 13x 1.769
2. William T. Gibbons 148 10x 1.559
3. John Buhay 147 10x 1.213


1. Tom Snyder 147 9x 1.058
2. Ron Markley 144 6x 1.271


1. Jason Baney 133 2x 3.579
2. Jane Litavish 124 1x 3.62
3. Scott Leitner 119 3x 8.959
4. Mark Koeck 106 2x 6.508
5. Bryson Haubrick 80 3x
6. Tom Litavish 77 0x 9.197
7. Phil Bellows 76 1x


1. Bull Litavish 137 5x 3.748
2. William A. Pavlson Jr. 137 3x 3.413
3. Jeff Farmerie 135 3x 6.366
4. Frank Litavish 126 5x 4.315
5. Mike Bonchack 123 4x 5.085
6. James Lucas 122 4x
7. William T. Gibbons 122 2x 4.685
8. Doug Leiby 122 0x 5.218
9. Mike Koontz 118 4x 4.782
10. Boyd Heaton 118 2x 3.398
11. James Lucas 118 2x
12. William A. Pavlson Jr. 112 5x
13. Reed Mosser 112 2x 4.015
14. Bob Taylor 106 2x
15. Jay Farney 103 3x
16. Dan Hoffman 103 2x
17. K. L. Miller 99 2x
18. Jesse Grove 97 2x
19. Daniel Knight (youth) 91 0x
20. Gary A. Grant 87 3x


1. Brooke King 143 6x 1.334
2. Ray Laudenslager 143 4x 2.245
3. Jason Baney 143 4x 3.132
4. Adam Hoover 138 7x 3.708
5. Jena Heaton (youth) 137 5x 2.570
6. Mark King 137 4x 4.117
7. Gary Maciel 135 5x 4.780
8. Ken Christoff 135 4x 3.373
9. George Kruchinsky 134 6x 2.244
10. Andy Murtagh 133 4x 2.943
11. Martin Dailey 133 4x 3.258
12. Tom Murtiff 130 2x 3.458
13. Frank Weber 128 3x 3.302
14. Danny Reever 128 2x 3.810
15. Jeff Farmerie 127 5x 7.493
16. Jody Youngblood 127 4x 5.075
17. Jon Ammerman 126 5x
18. Gary Staggert 122 0x 6.258
19. John C. Stahl III 121 5x 9.284
20. Eric Springman 121 2x 8.583
21. John Hoover 120 4x 3.338
22. Sam Hardy 119 1x 5.191
23. Jena Heaton (youth) 115 4x 3.371
24. Gary Maciel 114 4x
25. Butch Keen 114 3x 5.268
26. John Stecik 114 2x 9.992
27. Brock Kreiser 111 0x 4.296
28. Eric Springman 103 3x
29. Doug Rumbaugh 102 1x 6.586
30. Kevin Cram 88 2x

Next shoot – April 02. We will try to have the other 500 yd target area ready. The wet weather is putting a damper on our efforts. The new targets should be ready for the shoot. We are looking for other scoring equipment – plugs (17 through 45 cal.)etc. Thanks to everyone who helped to run the shoot.

03-26-2005, 08:12 PM
Have no Idea of what that shoot is but the Heatons are still out shooting the Youngbloods:D Thats funny. . .

Boyd Heaton
03-26-2005, 09:38 PM
Its a groundhog target shoot at 100,300 and 500 yards..Here is a pic of my 11 year old daughter with her targets she shot with her 6.5 Heaton heavy gun...She took 5th for score out of 30 shooters and 4th small group at 500 yards with a 2.5 inch group in the unlimited class.She also shot my "BIG UGLY" 300WSM but had a hard time seeing her hits and did'nt score as well...Grouped fair with a 3.3 at 500....I won small group at 500 in the limited class with a 3.3 inch group with my light (14 pound) 6.5 Heaton

Boyd Heaton
03-26-2005, 09:48 PM
Here is a pic of them hanging targets at 300 yards

03-29-2005, 09:13 PM
Wouldn't ya just know it? She'd a done better if it weren't for her sorry spotter!:D

Good goin' fella and a beautiful daughter she is.

I have 5 of 'em and none of 'em shoot. Bummer.