View Full Version : Rem 1100 .410"... Man what a collection

03-26-2005, 06:33 PM
Hi All,

Just got back from a friends house, he is well into shotguns, and for the last few years has been collecting Browning O/U's B25 Customs mainly. he showed his latest couple a 1967 Browning "Lighting" complete with trunk case and a B25 Midas Gold and a presentation grade Skeet gun with a Texas importers name on the side of the vent rib.

They all had really beautiful wood one had especialy nice Mable-cake walnut on it.

The unusual one he showed me was a mini Remington 1100 in .410 which was like new, sure is nice working in the trade I guess:rolleyes: they really are beautiful pieces, he wanted me to go clay busting in the morning but i can't as I already made arrangements to meet soe folks at the Bisley Gun show in the morning:(

03-28-2005, 01:36 PM
I guess now that the 11-87 has taken over and all these 3 and 3-1/2 inch guns are flooding the market the 1100's are going to start becoming collectible.

I always did like the 1100, just never was any good with a
semi-auto shotgun

04-08-2005, 09:45 AM
You can buy Rem 1100 brand new in .410.....it's back in production today. 28 gauge as well I believe. Nice little guns!

04-08-2005, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by JJ
You can buy Rem 1100 brand new in .410.....it's back in production today. 28 gauge as well I believe. Nice little guns!

Yeah but them new ones don't have the quality the old ones do and If I recall right most of the 1100's are chambered for 2-3/4 only. I have never had a need for anything over that but a lot of the waterfowl and turkey hunters love them 3 and 3-1/2 inch magl'ems in the new shotguns like Beretta and Benelli.

I might have to look into it and see if I can find an 1100 in .410

04-08-2005, 02:05 PM
My local dealer has (or had) the whole lot of them....410, 28, 20, 12, all brand spankin' new. They are marketed as their "Sporting Clays" series (at least those I have seen) and include extended choke tubes, high gloss stock, and nice bluing. Same ol' 1100 as way back when. He has the .410 left over as they're pretty pricey IMO coming in at $799. I can think of a lot of "other" shotguns I would rather have for close to those numbers.

The 11-87's took over for the 3" crowd.