View Full Version : ordering powder question

03-26-2005, 08:04 PM
i have a local wholesale place within 10 miles of me but their hours are not that great for the very few private customers that are allowed to buy over the counter there- they deal a ton of winchester stuff but if a fella wanted to buy powder from an online store and have brown deliver it can someone make a suggestion - i know it will cost more especially for the shipping but what can i expect and where do most folks get their powder from -

03-26-2005, 08:33 PM
The is a $ 26 Haze mate charge on top of what ever the shipping cost are. The $ 26 will cover upto 50 lbs. of powder, so if your not looking buy buying powder in large volumes it`s cost prohibitive.

03-26-2005, 08:54 PM
I buy mine from a local outfit. They have a site you can check out. www.powdervalleyinc.com pretty good folks and pretty good prices.

03-26-2005, 09:04 PM
shew 26 bucks is that pretty much everywhere - i have never bought powder online and i will look at that site but man 26.00 if that is the case everywhere i guess im gonna visit bingam's - never dreamed it would be that high

03-26-2005, 09:10 PM
Powder Valley is $20 hazmat.

03-27-2005, 05:36 AM
At that rate it's worth making a shopping list and drive a few miles to a shop in a neighboring town or city. Find out where there is a store that can serve your needs, then the next time your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, brother or cousin wants to go anywhere near there to shop at a mall or something, let them "talk you into" going with them or taking them.
Maybe they'll put gas in your car or buy lunch or something.
I'm very fortunate, there are at least a half dozen shops that are less than 15 miles from me.

03-27-2005, 10:12 AM
I ordered powder from a gun store once, i say once from that particular store, and they charged me $35 + tax for a pound of LIL`gun. Ouch, just remember if you order from a gun store, to tell the person behind the counter you can wait for their regular powder shipment, and not to special order it.

03-27-2005, 10:17 PM
Last time I ordered powder, the haz mat fee was $20, but I ordered so much of it that I easily paid for the haz mat fee in savings. Now, that was probably a couple of years ago at this point and I still have some left over. I think I saved $8 on each 4lb keg of Clays that I ordered, so it wasn't too hard to get over the $20 haz mat fee. Plus, I ordered some primers with it too.

Check out the prices at gamaliel.com and compare them to your local retailer. Figure in the cost of driving out there at $2+ a gallon of gas, and you might find that it is cheaper to order the stuff via a toll free phone call. Granted, if you are only ordering a pound or two of powder, drive out to the local retailer and buy it.

03-27-2005, 10:28 PM
walmarts bout 2 minutes from here and they have suprisely growing selection of reloading components. from powder to bullets..

our local gunshop is small with very little in the way of reloading stuff. walmarts has a much bigger selection. i kinda grab what i can get or drive the 40miles to sportsman warehouse, that place has everything youd ever think of wanting.

where at in NC are you. i spent a month working on the Roanoke island

03-27-2005, 11:09 PM

You must have one heck of a great Wal-Mart out there. The Wal-Mart across the street from me doesn't carry any reloading components and a pretty sorry stock of ammo and guns for that matter. Probably something to do with a limited demand for it around here from all the tree huggers.

03-28-2005, 11:09 PM
every walmart ive been has a good selection of ammo and reloading stuff. not to mention a few rugers and remingtons hideing in the glass case.

this is hunting state and walmart seems to cator to us hunters. they even have speer and nosler reloading manuals, leu scopes rings and bases.

you coould walk into our walmart with nothing to load with and walk out with everything and more you need to reload. . it realy is pretty cool. enough so that i have to stop in the sporting good section to see whats new each time i go in there

03-29-2005, 12:34 PM
We have charles daily, and winchesters with a few remys at our wal-marts down here. No reloading stuff at all. and VERY limited on ammo. In fact some of the cailbers they sell they don't have ammo for except during deer season. . . .
