View Full Version : my best loads so far for :
03-27-2005, 02:35 PM
yes this is just a poor attempt to pick your hard earned information out of your log book of your best loads just to keep my press arm from getting overworked but i have a couple loads i will share as well - but keep this in mind - i am far from an expert guess you figured that out if you read my questions on how to go about getting the "best load" lol - ok i know that every gun is completely different and may require its on load but what information that is posted- it may give me and others somewhere start over and may save some powder and copper not that i mind shooting but time is my problem - so the closer i get to what i am looking for the better and i hope some agree with me - like rockie posted before check all stuff before loading your on but i will do my very best to post without a mistake - i will double check it even and hope all will do the same --------- i only have about 3 loads that i would consider putting out there yea pretty sad i know but i sure did a lot of experimenting to get these 3 loads first load is for a ruger #1 in 220swift -- i tried several powders and bullets and this is the best load so far---rel 19 41.5g and i used winchester primers with a 55 gr nosler ballistic tip and wwsuper brass once fired and my col was 2.79 and this would keep them in a quarter at a 100 yrds now i almost chose another load that was close and it was exactly the same except i used w-760 40 gr - i dont remember why the rel19 was better now for the second and i am looking for better because this load was not so great but best of what i played with out of 6 different loads - this was with a contender barrel 24" i believe w-748 24 gr using br4 primers ( i also used winchester primers and they almost done as well) with a 55 gr nosler bt and a 2.3 col------i sure would like to find a better load for this barrel i feel like it should do better now for my last one this load was used in a ruger 77 heavy barrel 243 old gun but sure does shoot- i used imr 4320 35.5 gr and winchester primers with a 80 gr nosler bal tip and winchester brass some once fired some more than once and a 2.730 col now if someone has other great loads for these i sure would like to see it and i have many others that i would like to have a starting load to play with - i have a 204 remington adl 700 to do yet and a 22-250 encore 26" heavy barrel to do --- the 223 and 22-250 i really believe will shoot but i just cant get the right combination for them so if anyone has similiar gun and has a great load i sure would like to give it a try - i have posted this only because i am kinda at a stand still or burned out on trying different stuff - i feel like by now i should have something more accurate than i do but maybe i have the wrong attitude - are there guns out there that will shoot pretty much the same all the time within reason or am i dreaming
03-27-2005, 05:40 PM
h414 and i think h380 are known to fling bullets through 22/250s very acurately.,
ive loaded some 22/250s 50gr nolser bts useing winchester brass, win primer and 414 powder. most all loads tryed were acurate enough but the rifle shoots 50s very well. ive shot a few 55s through it and have all but given up on them, though i do have the better half of a box nolser 55 bts. rifle is remingtons vs sf.
also have a m77 heavy tubed ruger. i realy like the tang safety rugers. this one is also chamberd in 22/250. couldnt pass the rifle up. i havent loaded for it but it shoots hornady 50gr vmax loads very very well. ill push the same loads through this as i do the remington.
your 243 has peaked my intrest just alittle. i want a 243 and and my 22/250 could turn into one with nothing more than barrel swap. i have some questions for you and the old ruger. my ruger 22/250 is fairly old, left rugers hands in 1980. it has exstraction problems. it pulls a spent case from the chamber but then lets go of it just before it comes over the mag well. it rarly flings the case out of the action. on most acasions i have to reach in and grab it by hand. wich isnt bad deal when shooting at paper. i was curious if yours might do the same thing.
i also load for a 2506 and 270wsm. i couldnt off the top of my head tell you the most acuarate powders or even what im useing but i do know that with the wsm that it didnt like full tilt loads ver well. i had to back off to acuracy. the 2506 so far seems to chew up and fling everything ive thrown at it very well.
the next caliber in line to load for is my 300win, this is also a tang safety ruger that i couldnt pass up.
hopefullu i gave you something usefull to look into and didnt just ramble on
03-27-2005, 05:50 PM
no the ruger has never missed pulling one out that i know of and if i had to guess - i have had the gun 15 yrs and it was probably 4 or 5 yrs old when i got it so it was an early 80's gun i figure since i bought this remington 204 in the last few months im thinking i should have saved and spent it on a ruger - get this i was so torn up over the remington not shooting even factory stuff i was talked into( by my dad ) to buy a encore barrel in 204 well so far its no better than the remington lol but its probably going to turn out ok for both if i play enough-- on the 22-250 i have played with h380 and varget with 55 gr but not so great a results but i will try the 50gr and 380 powder and see what happens - do you find yourself loading kind of hot on it or more to the lighter loads just curious
03-27-2005, 06:11 PM
I`ve finnaly got enough brass preped to start working on loads for the .204. I have an Encore barrel and from what I seen so far it seem to like sug. starting loads best. I shot 1 group with factory ammo and it came in at 1 1/4 moa. The best group so far was with 24.5 gr. of AA 2230-C and the 32 gr. Horn. It came in at .75 5 shots and .45 4 of 5 shots. The 30 Bergers wer .40 with 4 shots and .83 with 5. Suggest starting loads of Bench Mark also came in fairly small. All bullet weights seem to shoot equally well, :rolleyes: , or poorly as the case may be.
03-27-2005, 06:18 PM
cat please tell me something - i have a stoney point col gauge and i measured the length on a encore 26" and a remington 700 and both are way over suggested col - im just wondering if you had checked yours or just stickin the factory stuff in and shooting- because i put 32 gr and 40 gr hornady stuff in for the brass alone lol and i had terrible results and just figured it was length of the cartridges - if i could make them longer with lighter bullets i would but i cant so i went with 50 gr berger and a little moly and its better but still not great
03-27-2005, 06:20 PM
i had a 204 in a rem 700 adl for a short time, had it long enough to decide that my 22/250s were more fun and more me. it shot factory 30 grain stuff very well. i floated the barrel and adjusted the trigger and punched some paper jack rabbits and one coyote with it.
i dont load the 250 as hot as it can im alittle over nolser most acurate loads. but under theyre fastest load. i wish i could tell you the load im pushing but i havent loaded in awhile and i dont have manual handy, a freind of mine has the nolser book. i usualy do all my loading at his place. but i kinda tend to load more 2506 stuff than anything.
03-27-2005, 07:02 PM
evan i think its silly of me but the first time i shoot a gun/barrel that first few shots gives me a taste of whether or not im gonna like it or not - i read a lot on this 204 before i bought both the remington and the encore barrel - i have to admit i was excited about it thinking it would do what the swift would do but with both i have been really sad - i guess i am lazy maybe - i hate to try a million different loads just for the right one or at least see something that groups- i had some trigger work done on the remington without much results other than a smooth 3# trigger and it has a little slack to start off lol but anyhow both have given me a bad taste but i wont give up that easy even though they wont shoot factory stuff- has anyone ever talked to remington about a new gun before - i mean will they even discuss something with a nobody that has bought a new gun just curious and who would you email or call about it - i really just want to ask about the length of the cases and if that would cause my problem and what should they be and i know this is a pretty new caliber but i mentioned that i never sell a gun - well that may change for at least one of the 204 :D
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