View Full Version : .30-.30 Ackley Improved
03-30-2005, 05:36 PM
As I'm having my Marlin rechambered for the .30-.30 Ackley Improved just wanted to know if any out there reload for this round and have a favorite load (powder/bullet weight) for both jacketed and cast bullets.
Rocky Raab
03-30-2005, 06:04 PM
Welcome aboard. (And thanks for the email, too!)
You'll find that the 30-30 AI allows you to go past published maximum loads for the non-improved 30-30 by a grain or two of powder. You may gain an extra 100 fps but that's about it in a carbine.
I'd reach for the Reloder 15.
03-30-2005, 07:24 PM
Rocky -
Again, thanks for the tip and your reply to my e-mail! :)
03-30-2005, 08:22 PM
I have loaded for a Marlin 336 in 30-30 Ackley for many years. I have found that its quite possible to push a 150 grain RN Hornady to well past 2600 fps. PO Ackley opined that the imporved cartridge case held tighter in the chamber when firing than the factory design, and therefore could be loaded to higher pressures. I have no extraction problems, or signs of excess pressure.
When I use Sierra Game King 150 grain Spitzers, its quite accurate at 200 yards. Of course, when using Spitzer bullets, the Marlin is treated as a two shot rifle. With no crimp, the Spitzer has a tendency to push back into the case. I admit to loading just a smidge long, to allow for that.
Overall, if I had to decide today, to rechamber the Marlin in Ackley Improved or not, I probably would not. While there is a real gain in 'oomph', there are other cartridges that still do a better job, and with less hassle. Working with Wildcats is not always about efficiency, or improvment, but playing with them is always a lot of fun, and a challange.
Rocky Raab
03-31-2005, 08:29 AM
It may be that Ackley was a little bit "too" right about minimum-taper cases.
Because they do grip the chamber walls better, reloaders run the pressures up way past the safe limits before they see any warning signs. Then they report "I get hundreds of extra feet per second with no pressure signs!"
The problem is that the "no signs" doesn't mean the pressure isn't excessive. But you don't know it until your rifle gets loose - or worse.
Whether to "Ackley" a round or not may come down to the rifle itself. In very strong actions, it might be fine, within limits. But in guns designed for traditional low-pressure cartridges (the Win 94 and Marlin 336 included), it might be smarter to leave them alone.
03-31-2005, 11:45 AM
I have a Winchester Wells Fargo 94 in this cal. & it is great fun to work with. I buy cheap Fed. factory loads to form cases & use the 150 Barnes bullet designed for the 30-30 for my reloads.
With a full case of RL-15 AND CCI BR Primers, groups run slightly over 1" @ 100 yds. (easy extraction and no preasure signs and long case life) H-335 Also works will.
I plan to test Ramshot "Tac " next.
The 130 gr Speer Flat nose hot core are also vary accurate in this rifle.
Mine is set up with a 2x Nikon on a Scout rail, plus a Williams Reciever Site.
03-31-2005, 02:42 PM
Are there dies that are preferred or work better for the 30-30AI than others?
Any recommendations on manufacturer?
03-31-2005, 03:11 PM
I bought Lee dies from Midway @ about standard price, and also use the Lee factory crimp die, both work great.
04-02-2005, 06:08 PM
I load with RCBS dies. The powders that works best for me iare 4198 and 3031. I must be within limits for the Marlin and the cartridge, because I have been shooting this combo for many years now, with no problems.
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