View Full Version : Sunrise Archery Newsletter

03-30-2005, 11:39 PM
For those who love muzzleloaders and like to read different things about muzzleloader shooting, casting, hunting and the like, we invite you to check out our latest free newsletter at

You could also check out earlier newsletter as well by just going to http://www.sunrisearchery.com

Its best that you use Internet Explorer for this as Mozzilla (Firefox) won't pick up the new newsletter nor will it pick up the Lanai Chronicles, a hunting story on Lanai Island.

We are constantly looking for input from hunters. We like stories about hunting, hiking and kids. Black Powder especially, but it really doesn't matter. If you have a story that is fun or makes a point about something related to the outdoors, we would like to publish it.

Anyway, there is a lot of good stuff in this newsletter that some of you might find very worthwhile.

Much Aloha,


Adam Helmer
03-31-2005, 02:20 PM

Thanks for the information input; I must run off to class right now, but I will read all the links tomorrow. Be well.
