View Full Version : never built a gun from parts

03-31-2005, 09:26 PM
yea im full of questions tonight - i have never nor have i even read about building a gun with parts that you buy seperate - but if a fella with no gunsmithing experience can do it well the idea appeals to me - i guess caliber is where i would have my first problem- i shoot in my back yard and at most 125 yrds and like to shoot crows and targets so i feel like maybe a 17 might fit what im looking for and i love the no recoil part and they are not as loud as some and that is even better - now if you fellas know of a 22 that can consistently keep everything in a dime at about a 100 yrds i want to hear about it but since i feel like its gonna take at least a 17 the can someoen suggest to me or tell me how you could order a barrel and a receiver and stock and make this happen - am i off my rocker or can it be done and if so make some suggestions as far s parts- i know this will probably cost more than just buying a gun but if i buy piece at a time maybe i wont notice it as much- anyone built one and real satisfied with it i would like to know what it is and how much trouble it was and whats involved and what caliber and how it shoots now i am not above something bigger but would rather stay with no recoil - and would prefer to load instead of buying factory - eager to hear what everyone says

04-01-2005, 10:46 AM
well you might want to think about checking the laws on building a gun from parts you might be getting yourself into some serious trouble by doing this.

I don't know exaclt what you mean by BUILDING but It hink a check into the laws might be your first place to start.

Just a thought

04-01-2005, 03:07 PM
Once you buy an action(which you fill out a form 4473 on) you can do what you want. If I were going to do it I'd buy a Ruger 77-22Mag and buy an extra bbl in 17HMR nad go from there. Bbl swap is fairly easy and the Ruger is a nice looking gun. Also the 22 Mag is a much better shooting round than most give it credit for. Accessories are also available.

BTW If making a gun from scratch(action and all) Damadman is right. The law will not like you unless you have a license

04-01-2005, 08:15 PM
never even gave the law much thought and i certainly dont want to get into trouble - what would be wrong with buying used ruger and changing barrel on it - so skeet what you are saying is not shoot the 22magnum but just use the receiver from it and put a hmr17 barrel on it since it is a rimfire also - will that work ok if i can get the right barrel and are there places that will sell maybe a kit for this like a stock and barrel - then again will i have more in this gun than buying a ruger 17 hmr or will i get better results with a non factory barrel

04-02-2005, 02:49 PM
If your talking about a 10-22 you can change barrels on them very easily. There is only 1 screw that holds the barrel to the action. If you do this I would recomand that you clean the hole in the recever out good with acohal and clean the barrel off where it fit in the same way. Then when you put in the new barrel put a small amount of epoxy on the barrel. This will remove all slop and in prove accuracy. If you are talking about a centerfire rifle, you can run into head space problem if you try to fit your own barrel and I would recomand that you have a gunsmith put the barrel in the action for safity.

04-02-2005, 03:23 PM
Hey Scoot...the Ruger 77 uses the same one bolt concept as the 10-22. You can interchange the bbls and have the best of both worlds..you can shoot the 22 mag OR the 17HMR . Same case as the 22 mag...just a smaller bullet and more speed. If you want to change back to the 22 mag just swap the barrels and you are good to go. May have to resight the scope though...OH DARN...means you might have to shoot more...That sucks doesn't it??:D :D :eek:

Yes buy the used Ruger 22 mag.. and get the 17 HMR bbl for it. Put a GOOD scope on it though..something like a 4-12 or even stronger.. Them .17 holes are hard to see out there a ways

Tall Shadow
04-13-2005, 03:10 PM

Please People! Let's not keep spreading this type of misinformation!!

You are able to build firearms with a registered receiver as skeet states above. The AR-15 community has been doing this for years! It's totally legal, so long as the gun is legal where you are building it.

You may also build firearms(or just the receiver) from scratch, that is building it out of nothing, or using a parts kit, for your own personal use/ownership. The AK, and 1911 communities have been doing this for years!

There are plenty of sites on the web that you can find this (or any other) information.

We all have enough troubles with all the Anti's are trying to do, take away, or ban for/from Us.

Let's not "Shoot ourselves in the foot" so to speak, and "Help" them in removing any more of Our constitutional rights.

I'm a shooter. I love ALL types of guns, big small, single shot bolt actions, or fully automatic belt fed machine guns. I LOVE them all!
My dream is to own one(or more) of each!

Yet I've seen, and been the victim of, the very thing most of us hate about the Anti's.

Gun Bigotry

You know what I'm talking about...It's the "Why do you >Need< to own one of >THOSE< guns? You can't hunt with >THEM<!"

I own, and shoot all of My guns on a regular basis, yet the
people that I've been given the most grief from has been fellow shooters.
Many times the whole conversation seems to be right out of the Anti-gunner's Handbook. If they are willing to talk, I'll try to "Educate" them, but some are just unwilling to see/hear reason.

We, as shooters & hunters, need to "Stick together", for the people who wish to defeat Us, are surely trying to divide (and defeat) us. Let's not let them.

A fellow hunter & Shooter,
Tall Shadow

05-08-2006, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by Tall Shadow

Please People! Let's not keep spreading this type of misinformation!!

You are able to build firearms with a registered receiver as skeet states above. The AR-15 community has been doing this for years! It's totally legal, so long as the gun is legal where you are building it.

You may also build firearms(or just the receiver) from scratch, that is building it out of nothing, or using a parts kit, for your own personal use/ownership. The AK, and 1911 communities have been doing this for years!

There are plenty of sites on the web that you can find this (or any other) information.

We all have enough troubles with all the Anti's are trying to do, take away, or ban for/from Us.

Let's not "Shoot ourselves in the foot" so to speak, and "Help" them in removing any more of Our constitutional rights.

I'm a shooter. I love ALL types of guns, big small, single shot bolt actions, or fully automatic belt fed machine guns. I LOVE them all!
My dream is to own one(or more) of each!

Yet I've seen, and been the victim of, the very thing most of us hate about the Anti's.

Gun Bigotry

You know what I'm talking about...It's the "Why do you >Need< to own one of >THOSE< guns? You can't hunt with >THEM<!"

I own, and shoot all of My guns on a regular basis, yet the
people that I've been given the most grief from has been fellow shooters.
Many times the whole conversation seems to be right out of the Anti-gunner's Handbook. If they are willing to talk, I'll try to "Educate" them, but some are just unwilling to see/hear reason.

We, as shooters & hunters, need to "Stick together", for the people who wish to defeat Us, are surely trying to divide (and defeat) us. Let's not let them.

A fellow hunter & Shooter,
Tall Shadow