View Full Version : hey im hey Roying. Hey Roy

03-31-2005, 09:18 PM
you ready to bust some long range rock chucks. im ready just waitn for the snow to quit falling and it to warm up.

im gona give the 300win a go pushn some factory fodder.

well have to get together. ill drive up that way sometime, i heard thats wuite a few chucks in your area.

04-02-2005, 11:39 PM
pretty poor chuck hunting around here. Farmers were loosing way too much wheat. Chemicals put on potatoes kills 'em off.

I actually haven't shot a chuck in years.

04-03-2005, 11:27 PM
hmmmmmm thats not cool

04-10-2005, 02:17 PM
Gettin' kinda serious. Gonna take a drive along the Blackfoot River canyon and see what I can spot. I know there are chucks back there and ranges would be as long as one wants.

Also there are patches of very numerous ground squirels. They're a tougher target than the chucks.

Just for grins here's a target from yesterday with the new LR Varmint rifle.:rolleyes:

Shots 22, 23, 24 and 25 with 77, 77.5, 78 and 79 grains of W760 for velocities of 2458, 2486, 2498 and 2510 respectively with the Hornady 300 gr BTSP out of the Ruger #1 375 H&H.

after 25 shots off the bench with that thing I'm wondering if some one makes an 80gr 22 cal sabot for it.:D

I'll let you know if I find a good chuck spot.

04-12-2005, 08:50 PM
you wanna come this way and shoot some. ive got good spot. you can even bring your long range rigs and give them a workout past 500yds if you want

04-17-2005, 12:07 AM
Let me get through my busy season (couple of weeks) and we'll do it.

Some Friday's are good. Sats are good. Sunday's a dog.

Had a funny thing happen this afternoon. Was shooting the 375 H&H doing some chrono'ing and I'll be darned if a yote didn't run across about 150 yds out.

Was just returning to the bench so wasn't ready. Got that way real fast.

Finally got the shot off. Just under his chest.:rolleyes: Would liked to have seen what that 270 grn bulled would have done. :confused:

04-20-2005, 08:22 PM

let me know when your ready and ill let you know when the weatheres ready. think were still a ways off from hitn the rock chucks with any kind of enthusiasm

04-20-2005, 11:53 PM
I usually wait till after mother's day till the pups can go it alone.

Went snooping Sunday. No chucks or ground squirrels but got my first deer pics of the year. 3 doe @ 615 yds.

Right how it would be "snow chucks" that we'd be after.

Gonna make a trek south of creaters of the moon this week end if it dries up a bit.

04-23-2005, 01:29 PM
ive never been to craters, guess ive been negleted as a child to grow up here and never have been to craters.
id imagine there might be some chucks hanging out in that area.

soon as i get my truck running ill think about heading up that way alittle more serious.