View Full Version : CCW: Do you carry 24/7?

Adam Helmer
04-01-2005, 08:53 PM
As a federal agent I carried 24/7 for 26 years and retired in 1996. I have had a few experiences since retirement that make me glad I carry 24/7 with a CCW. I live in a very rural county and calling 911 is not an option, so I am responsible for my own safety as are many others in the USA. I wonder who else carries 24/7, and if not why not?


04-01-2005, 11:27 PM
I plan on it, when I get my CCW permit.

Sure 99.8% of the time it will be dead weight, but atleast I will be used to the dead weight.
People who carry rarely, most likly not be as able to acess their wepon, as well as someone who is used to having it more often. Also having your gun grabbed from your holster mabe less likely. IMHO ofcorse.

Some are more (or less) self consiouse when they are doing someting differently, and often it shows.
Imagin bending over if your not familiar wearing a Sig in a IBW holster:eek: .

Lastly, Im a firm beliver in "Murphys Law";)

Andy L
04-02-2005, 09:03 AM
Pretty much. I have one that goes everywhere I go, unless strictly prohibited. Also have one that resides in the door of my truck, one in the stand by my recliner in the living room and one in my nightstand by the bed.

The one I carry all the time, just goes on with my pants. I forget I have it sometimes as well, it kinda becomes a part of the wardrobe.


Mr. 16 gauge
04-12-2005, 08:26 AM
I carry as often as I can, but even then, it's rarely........I'm not a LEO, and MI law prohibits carry in a lot of places (hospitals, schools, churchs, sports stadiums, ect). I work in a Hospital, and even if the state didn't ban concealed carry by law, it is against hospital policy to carry (yet they dont seem to mind treating the sleaze-ball drug addicts and gang members who carry illegally!:rolleyes: )
I would like to carry 24/7, but in my home state, it's just not practical.
Maybe I can become a medical LEO?;) :D

04-12-2005, 10:55 AM
I carry some but not often. With my current job, I might be in Mass in the AM, NJ in the afternoon and NY at night. Just wouldn't work. You just never know where I might show up.

Yes I do carry when I know I might be in a less than desirable area in Mass.

About the only time which its 100% carry time is when I'm in the woods. Not so much for the game but for the crazy that might like my boots and decide for take em from me. Big mistake.

Adam Helmer
04-12-2005, 03:42 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

You make excellent points about WHERE licensed CCWs folks cannot carry, but the sleeze balls carry illegally where and when they please. I never understood why one cannot carry in church! Just recently in Minnesota, or some mid-West state, some dork went into a church and shot 5 or 7 folks because he "did not like a sermon."

It seems to me licensed CCW carry is "licensed carry" and remember only honest folks apply for a carry permit. Big Duh.

I am a year away from ordination and do two services per month at present. The day some armed mope comes into my church with evil intent, he/she will get a rapid conversion with my blessing. Nuff said.

We are responsible for our own safety in today's society. Police protection is inadequate because it does not "prevent" any crime. (I was a town cop before I became a federal agent) My favorite saying is: "Do not become a victim for lack of shooting back." The bad guys are everywhere. Laws enacted by the legislature restricting legal CCW carry merely gives safer working conditions to the bad guys. Wow! I have a subject for my next sermon, thanks Mr. 16 gauge. Be well.


Mr. 16 gauge
04-13-2005, 11:57 AM
The day some armed mope comes into my church with evil intent, he/she will get a rapid conversion with my blessing. Nuff said.

GEEz....whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"?;) :D

Seriously, there are some places that I cannot carry by law; there are others that I cannot carry because of "policy"....a good example of this is a store called Value City Furniture. The have signs posted at all there stores on the doors saying that they do NOT allow concealed carry in there stores. :mad:

...So I spend my money elsewhere!:D Some day some thug is gonna figure it out that he can go into one of those stores and do whatever he wants, to whomever he wants.:rolleyes:

It kind of ticks me off that the hospital has entrusted me with patients lives (literally), yet I they don't trust me with a sidearm...esp. when I am called in at all hours and the drive (and hospitals) are located in some less-than-stellar neighborhoods.

I find myself carrying more and more....never used to carry for walks with m y dog in the neighborhood, but I do now....I've seen a few people with pit bulls, and it appeared that the dog was walking the person, not vice versa. In addition, there is also a high population of skunks & raccoons in my area, and there were a few cases of rabies reported last year.

I'm starting to view my CCW & handgun like an American express card....."dont leave home without it": you never know when it might come in handy.

I think I might enjoy listening to your sermons, Adam.....too bad you don't live closer. Would you allow spare ammo in the collection plate instead of cash?;) :D

Adam Helmer
04-13-2005, 12:48 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Fine post, LOL. First, Jesus did not "turn the other cheek" when he cleansed the Temple. Recall, he made a whip out of ropes and "Busted up the Yard Sale." The cheeks what got turned were stung by his whip!

As for collection plate donations, ALL ammo is acceptable EXCEPT reloads. LOL. Speed loader or spare magazine donations are also acceptable and will get you "double points" on the end-of-year donations report that is filed with your income tax.


Andy L
04-13-2005, 01:40 PM
I think Id like your church Adam. LOL

Seriously, there are a few places here that have the signs up. One is the local grocery store. Only decent one in town. I dont mean to sound like a law breaker, but I honestly forget that Im carrying alot of times and go in there with it. If your carrying properly, whos gonna know? And, if you were in there when they were robbed or some such thing, they just may be proud you forgot you were packing when you saved some lives.

Im guilty of carrying where Im not really supposed to. We were taught in class that its an infraction if you do get caught. No ticket, just a warning. Ive never had anyone come up and say, hey, you got a gun. No ones the wiser. (Other than my 4yr old in Wal Mart one time, which you can carry in. He felt it in my belt and proclaimed it to the world. :D )


Adam Helmer
04-13-2005, 04:17 PM
Andy L,

Good post, my friend. I am an Episcopalian and welcome all posters here to come to Trinity Episcopal Church in Antrim, PA on Sundays I officiate; all congregates will be "safe", 10-4?

Andy, I would ask the store management "with signs up about NO CCW carry", If they think the bad guys will ALSO comply with the "no gun" policy on the day they choose to rob the place? Big Duh.

The bad guys look for "Soft targets" and legislators and store managers make the pickings easy for the BGs! I carried for 26 years as an agent and now carry like I always did. I put on my clothes, put a pen in my shirt pocket and a gun on my hip in a pancake holster (concealed) and go about my business. Store signs do not mean squat to me since the store management will be the first to "cave-in" when a robbery/massacre goes down. I plan on being a survivor.

About 38 states have "shall-issue" concealed CCWs to date and in EVERY state the serious crime rate has gone down because, while all the bad guys are armed, they are not sure of their intended victim! WHAT COULD BE MORE FAIR? Amen.


Andy L
04-13-2005, 04:57 PM
I hear ya Adam. In my business, I deal with alot of seedy folk as well and some dont really like me too well. Its just become a way of life to carry.

Here I go incriminating myself even more, but I have carried for a long time, just had a license a short time......

I agree a hundred percent. The guys that are going to harm someone are not going to be licensed and most likely the gun wont be legal either.

Thats the beauty of CCW. Bad boys are gonna think twice in alot of situations. You never know whos packin heat.


Adam Helmer
04-13-2005, 10:21 PM
Andy L,

I hear you and understand what you are dealing with. Peace be with you; now and always.


04-15-2005, 08:14 PM
I tried carrying a gun 24/7, but found that the darn thing tended to rust after my shower, and frankly, the wife found it somewhat of a turn off at certain times. :)

Other than that, I carry most of the time.

Andy L
04-27-2005, 11:25 PM
I was really packin the last couple of days. Had a real rough character to deal with. Well, his original charge was assulting a police officer, at least one of his charges. Also showed up on NCIC as a J3.

Anyway, the county cops got a suspicious vehicle call while we were doing surveilence on the house trailer, (I think my truck was suspicious because it has the same color doors and fenders, and we were in a area affectionatly known as "meth hill" :rolleyes: ). The cops showed up and one was jokin around with me. I had a 44spl on my right hip, a 9mm IWB, a 22lr in my right rear pocket and a Tazer on my left hip. Oh, and a can of spray in my left rear pocket. :D

Didnt have to use any of it though. Thank goodness.


Adam Helmer
04-28-2005, 07:32 AM
Andy L,

NOW, that is whay I would call packing! In a shootout, the fastest reload is a second gun. You sure had that angle covered.


05-09-2005, 10:14 PM
"I'm like Mr. 16 Gauge, and carry only part of the time. Our Missouri CCW law has the usual prohibitions - schools, hospitals, sports stadiums, etc. My employer prohibits carrying on premises.

I don't feel in danger in crowded public places.

Our law allows carry in the car, without a CCW permit. There is always a pistol in the glove box or under the seat -- or in my lap in bad neighborhoods. Usually its a .38 Smith revolver.

Although some of you will disagree, I carry a KEL-TEC .32 most often, because of its concealability. When I do go into questionable areas, it is replaced with a .38 Diamondback.